Cancer Research KI maps cancer research across KI - PI database

Cancer Research KI aims to map all principal investigators (PIs) and group leaders at KI to increase the visibility and facilitate internal, international, industrial collaborations. Here, CRKI presents the latest updated version of the database from January 2025.

Principal Investigators (PIs) and Group Leaders

A principal investigator (PI) at CRKI leads a research group, with personal responsibility for directing their research, managing their budget and their personnel. Specifically, every PI typically

  •  Has their own funding in accounts controlled by them
  •  Supervises students and postdocs
  •  Teaches undergraduates and/or doctoral students and/or clinical trainees
  •  Publishes their own research, often as senior author
  •  Takes academic and/or clinical leadership responsibilities
  •  Upholds the highest standards of ethical behaviour

Data visualization

Across KI, basic science, blood, brain and nervous system, cancer epidemiology and breast cancer are the dominant research areas, and the Department of Oncology and Pathology harbours the highest number of principal investigators in the area of cancer research. 

Cancer Research KI
Cancer Research KI database
Photo: NA

The history of cancer research database at KI

Firstly, the data have been gathered during 2020 and 2021 by pooling data from the KI website, publicly available information from Cancerfonden, and an internal survey conducted by Cancer Research KI in 2020. We have verified our entries (affiliations, emails) by collaborating with KI's IDAC system as well as with the members of CRKI Reference Group. 

In April-June 2022, the survey was reopened and advertised to enable researchers to add and update the information in the first version of the database. Next, all the entries were merged from the first and second data collection and visualised. 

A full list of all departments of KI, their location and respective websites can be found here.

If you are a KI-based group leader/PI engaged in some cancer-related research and your name is not here then we would like to hear from you so that we can feature you! Please contact us here.


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