Cancer Research KI - International Collaboration
International collaboration is one of Cancer Research KI's main focus areas and we are constantly broadening and developing our efforts within this area. Cancer Research KI manages international collaboration agreements signed by Karolinska Institutet with world-leading research centers in the Cancer Research field. Additionally, Cancer Research KI participates in various EU-funded projects to strengthen cancer research infrastructures across Europe.
International Partners

Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center
Cancer Research KI and Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center (MCCCC) are closely collaborating in the area of cancer research.

National Institute of Oncology Hungary
Collaboration of Cancer Research KI and the National Institute of Oncology in Hungary.

Cancer Research Horizons
Collaboration of Karolinska Institutet and Cancer Research Horizons.
European Projects and Initiatives

Cancer Core Europe
Karolinska Institutet is one of the seven leading cancer centers that have joined forces to form the European cancer association Cancer Core Europe.
KI operational delegate: Christina von Gertten

Cancer Prevention Europe
Karolinska Institutet is part of Cancer Prevention Europe (CPE), a consortium of organizations across the whole of Europe, aims to reduce morbidity and mortality from cancer in European populations through prevention and earlier diagnosis of the disease.

Networks of Expertise on Cancer
Cancer Research KI will be part of the EU Joint Action Networks of Expertise on Cancer 2 (JANE 2), which will be a continuation of the JANE project.

Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures for the European Union (CCI4EU)
Karolinska Institutet is a partner of CCI4EU, a European initiative aiming to build equality in cancer research, education and care by developing or enhancing Comprehensive Cancer Center infrastructures in the respective countries.

Establishing of Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies (ECHoS)
Karolinska Institutet is a partner in the European project ECHoS, which aims to put the Cancer Mission into practice by establishing National Cancer Mission Hubs (NCMH). The NCMHs bring together various stakeholders in the cancer field, including academia, healthcare, industry, European citizens and patients, as well as European, national, and local organizations.

European network of Comprehensive Cancer Centers (EUnetCCC)
Karolinska Institutet is part of the joint action EUnetCCC, which aims to build a consortium of Comprehensive Cancer Centers across Europe to ensure all patients have access to high-quality cancer care.
Useful Resources

EU Mission: Cancer
EU Missions aim to find new solutions to combat the greatest challenges of our time. One of the five EU Missions is about cancer and aims to improve the life of cancer patients and their families through enhanced research, prevention, care, and follow-up after cancer treatment.

Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan
Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan is a political dedication and policy framework to elevate the fight against cancer to promote better health across the European Union. Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan includes €4 billion of funding and focuses on prevention, early detection, treatment and survivorship.

European School of Oncology
European School of Oncology (ESO) is an educational resource focusing on oncology to improve the treatment of cancer patients.

International Collaboration at Karolinska Institutet
More information about international collaboration at Karolinska Institutet.
Other and Previous International Collaborations
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Karolinska Institutet signed a collaboration agreement with MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston Texas, USA in May 2013 and thus became a Sister Institution to MD Anderson. The agreement was renewed in May 2018 after the end of the first successful 5-year period.
The primary joint efforts included:
Collaborative grants through the SINF (Sister Institution Network Fund) funding mechanism. The KI-MDACC Collaborative grants/ SINF have been announced yearly since 2013 and so far nine projects have received funding (funding of the KI partner by Cancer Research KI).
Annual GAP conference (Global Academic Programs). The conference is held odd years at MD Anderson in Houston Texas and even years hosted abroad at a Sister Institution. KI/StratCan has participated in the meetings annually since 2013 and Karolinska Institutet & University Hospital were proud hosts of the GAP 2018 conference in Stockholm, May 2018, with 900+ participants from 38 countries.
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Cancer Research KI collaborated with The German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ). Presently, two research projects are jointly funded through this collaboration.