Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Centre
Cancer Research KI continously strives to increase the interface between health care and research with the aim of boosting translational cancer research.
Comprehensive Cancer Center
In 2019, Karolinska Institute and the Karolinska University hospital have initiated an application to become a Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC) as defined by the statues of OECI (Organisation of European Cancer Institutes): The definition of translational research is a research continuum from basic research through preclinical and clinical research to structured implementation to the health care and evaluation. In the Comprehensive Cancer Center care and prevention are integrated with research, development and education. The Comprehensive Cancer Center has by definition all structures needed for a continuous research process.
Fundamental to the Comprehensive Cancer Center is multidisciplinarity in the health care and integration of the research process. The main mission of OECI is to facilitate the development of Comprehensive Cancer Centers in Europe.
Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital are the first institutions in Sweden to be accredited as a Comprehensive Cancer Centre by the OECI.

Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Centre
Karolinska CCC brings together cutting-edge expertise in highly specialized cancer care and basic, translational, and clinical cancer research. The centre is a joint initiative between Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet – and the first accredited Comprehensive Cancer Centre (CCC) in Sweden.

Karolinska Clinical Cancer Talks
Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Center launches a series of seminars, “Karolinska Clinical Cancer Talks”, where distinguished cancer researchers will give talks on topics in cancer research for cancer researchers and clinicians in cancer care.
Next seminar: Prof. George Hanna – "Volatile organic compounds as emerging biomarkers in cancer care"
10th of March 2025, 16:00-17:00, online

First in Sweden to have OECI accreditation as Comprehensive Cancer Centre
Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital are the first institutions in Sweden to be accredited as a Comprehensive Cancer Centre by the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI).
Latest News from Karolinska CCC

Prevention plays a crucial role in the fight against cancer
Read about Karolinska CCC Day 2024, which took place on April 12 and focused on prevention.
Kick-off of the re-accredidation process for Karolinska CCC
In preparation for the re-accreditation according to the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI), a kick-off was held on 6 September at the Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC). Invited to the meeting were the Board of Directors, Cancer Theme Management, Cancer Research KI Executive Board, Children's Oncology/Hematology, the Functional Management Group Medical Diagnostics Karolinska (MDK), patient representatives, the Business Developers at the Cancer Theme and our employees who are trained OECI auditors.
Read more here.