Cancer Research KI Industry Collaboration
Cancer Research KI (CRKI) strives to facilitate collaboration between industry and cancer researchers at KI with the aim of creating successful long-lasting partnerships. For research findings to benefit society and patients, there is a need for mutual collaboration between the university, healthcare sector and industry. CRKI facilitates and promotes collaboration with researchers in the cancer area at KI and interacts with several companies.
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How to Establish Industry Collaboration

If you are a researcher at KI
The KI External Engagement Office (EEO) team can give you support and guidance on how to start a collaboration with a company. More information can be found here.
Cannot find what you are looking for? Do not hesitate to contact us at cancerresearchki@ki.se.

If you are a Company
Information on how to collaborate with KI can be found here.
Are you looking for a specific area of cancer for collaboration? Have a look at CRKI database.
Cannot find what you are looking for? Do not hesistate to contact us at cancerresearchki@ki.se.
Industry Collaboration Activities

Industry Collaboration Events

Industry Collaboration Working Group
Contact Details of members of the Industry collaboration working group
Ongoing Industry Collaborations

KI and Cancer Research Horizons Partnership
Karolinska Institutet and Cancer Research UK’s innovation engine, Cancer Research Horizons, have announced a 5-year strategic partnership dedicated to accelerating the translation of academic cancer research into improved treatments for patients. Under the terms of this new partnership, the parties have committed to several joint activities including research collaborations and funding initiatives, theme-based alliances, mutual access to facilities, expertise, materials, and tools, as well as joint events, and training programmes.

KI initiates collaboration with Elekta in precision medicine
Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital are launching another tripartite collaboration, this time with Elekta. The aim is to join forces in the field of cancer with a focus on radiation therapy and precision medicine.

NextGenNK is a Competence Center for the development of next generation NK cell-based cancer immunotherapies. The Center is coordinated by Karolinska Institutet and collaborates with the Karolinska University Hospital and prominent national and international industrial partners. The Center was launched in 2020, and is jointly funded by Vinnova, KI, and the Industrial partners
Industry Collaboration Resources

Research Support & Services at KI
Research Support is provided by several different divisions and units at KI, in order to support researchers from the first idea to the publishing and impact of their results.

Research Funding & Economy
Explore grant funding opportunities at KI and abroad, and learn how to manage and report your research grant. Get advice and support for grant applications and approved projects.

Legal Support
Research Contracts & Agreements
One way of accessing external expertise, financing and resources is to collaborate with companies or other external partners. With such collaborations, funders and collaborators usually require a contract for a research project, which defines respective rights, obligations, timelines and budget.

KI Innovations
KI Innovations is both the innovation support system at Karolinska Institutet and an incubator that provides support and guidance so that more research-based ideas, discoveries, and knowledge from can contribute to a healthier future for all.
Industry Collaboration Resources

Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Center - World-leading cancer care and research
Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Center gathers excellence in highly specialized cancer care and cancer research. The center is a joint venture of Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet. It is also the first accredited Comprehensive Cancer Center in Sweden

Karolinska University Hospital Innovation and business collaborations
Karolinska University Hospital works strategically with innovation and partnership to meet the challenges of healthcare and create the best possible care - for today's and tomorrow's patients.

Center for clinical cancer studies
The Clinical Cancer Studies (CCS) is a core facility within the Cancer Theme at Karolinska University Hospital, with facilities at both the Solna and Huddinge hospital locations.
The Clinical Cancer Studies consists of five organizational subunits:
Cancer study Unit Solna
Cancer study Unit Huddinge
Phase 1 Unit Solna
Phase 1 Unit Huddinge
Clinical Trials Office

Pathology Core Facility Karolinska (PCFK)
Pathology Core Facility Karolinska's mission is to promote research and development for patient-safe and evidence-based care. Pathology Core Facility offers laboratory services in Solna and Huddinge to both innovators and industry customers.
Industry Collaboration Resources

Core Facilities
Karolinska Institutet offers a wide range of core facilities, providing services, resources, and expertise to academic research in Sweden. These core facilities were all established to meet the needs of the university’s own scientists, and they are constantly evolving to provide the latest techniques and knowledge within their fields of expertise.

Drug discovery and development platform
The SciLifeLab Drug Discovery and Development (DDD) platform offers integrated drug discovery efforts to the Swedish academic research community. We offer industry-standard infrastructure, expertise, and strategic support for technology development or to help progress projects towards a preclinical proof-of-concept. We work with small molecules, human antibodies, and new modality therapeutics

Centre for Imaging Research
CIR -the Centre for Imaging Research - is a centre for world-leading imaging, jointly formed by Karolinska University Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, and Region Stockholm. CIR supports acadmic, clinical and industry users with access to imaging facilities and related services at the highest international level.

Karolinska ATMP Center
The Karolinska ATMP Center has been established by Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital to further advance cell, gene and tissue therapies. The Karolinska ATMP Center is unique and leading in Europe as all parts of ATMP are under one roof: research, development, production and treatment.
Industry Collaboration Resources

Karolinska Trial alliance
KTA offers courses and services throughout the whole research process of clinical trials at a self-cost price. This service is a part of Karolinska University Hospital with the aim of supporting both academia and industry within the Stockholm-Gotland Region.

Regional Cancer Center Stockholm - Gotland
Regional Cancer Centres (RCC) in Sweden support the regions to increase cancer care quality and improve the outcomes, as well as increase the efficiency of the use of health care resources throughout the patient pathways.

Personalised Cancer Medicine (PCM) Program
The Personalised Cancer Medicine Program at Karolinska Institutet (KIPCM) is a research initiative with the primary task to strengthen the infrastructure for for local, national and international team science addressing PCM, thereby establishing PCM as a leading treatment concept in academic cancer healthcare in Stockholm.

Karolinska University Hospital The Cancer Theme
Within Tema Cancer, patients with some form of malignant tumor disease are investigated, treated and cared for during various stages of their cancer disease. Tema Cancer also conducts a lot of clinical studies in various phases and also treats patients who do not have cancer, i.e. benign conditions in areas such as urology, endocrinology, hematology and coagulation. Tema Cancer operates mainly in Huddinge and Solna, but also has activities within cancer care at Danderyd hospital.