About Cancer Research KI
Cancer Research KI serves as an overarching umbrella organisation for cancer research at Karolinska Institutet, conducted by more than 400 research groups at multiple campuses and departments. The overall goal is to generate new scientific discoveries that can be rapidly translated into clinical practice for the benefit of patients and society.
Presentation about Cancer Research KI
In 2009 the Swedish Government designated in the Government Bill on Research Policy that 20 strategic research areas were to be prioritized; Cancer was one area. Cancer is represented nationally by three programmes: Cancer Research KI (formerly StratCan) at Karolinska Institutet, U-CAN (Universities of Uppsala & Umeå) and BioCare (Universities of Lund & Gothenburg).
Cancer as a strategic research area is motivated by the fact that cancer is one of the world's most common diseases and a major cause of death. In Sweden it is expected that cancer incidence will continue to rise and that cancer prevalence will double by 2030. New research strategies aiming at effective prevention and improved treatment are therefore urgently needed.
Cancer Research KI was formed 2019 as the Strategic Research Programme in Cancer (StratCan) and the KICancer network joined forces. The programme is supported by the government through the strategic initiatives. More background information can be found here.
Executive Board Structure

Cancer research KI executive board members are holding positions at active cancers research departments involved in clinical, pre-clinical, and epidemiological research at the southern and northern campus of Karolinska Insitutet, some members hold dual affiliations both at the Karolinska Institutet and the Karolinska University Hospital as reflected in the present list of members. Two of the Cancer Research KI members are also members of the Board for the Cancer Theme at the Karolinska University Hospital.
Reference Group to Cancer Research KI
The reference group should comprise of one representative from each KI department (full member), and one substitute that will attend meetings when the full member is not present, and on such occasions have full voting power. This group will be utilized by Cancer Research KI as one of the channels to distribute information related to the organisation's activities to all departments at KI.
To read more about the organisation's reference group please click here.
Scientific Advisory Board
A common Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) has been established for Cancer Research KI and the Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Center (KCCC). More information about the members of the board as well as their duties can be found here.
Executive Board Members
For information, please contact directly the Cancer Research KI office: cancerresearchki@ki.se

Elias Arnér, Ph.D., Professor
Director Cancer Research KIDepartment of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB), C2, (Northern Campus)

Marco Gerling, Dr. med., Group leader
Co-Director Cancer Research KIDepartment of Biosciences and Nutrition (BioNut), H2, (Southern Campus)

Linda Lindström, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Co-Director Cancer Research KIDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat), K7, (Northern Campus)

Margareta Wilhelm, Ph.D.
Cancer Research KI Executive Board MemberDepartment of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC), C1, (Northern Campus)

Simon Ekman, M.D., Ph.D., Professor
Cancer Research KI Executive Board MemberDepartment of Oncology-Pathology, K7 (Northern Campus)

Päivi Östling, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Cancer Research KI Executive Board MemberDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat), K7, (Northern Campus)

Matthias Löhr, M.D., Ph.D., Professor
Cancer Research KI Executive Board MemberDepartment of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology (CLINTEC), H9, (Southern Campus)

Renske Altena, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor (Docent)
Cancer Research KI Executive Board MemberDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (OnkPat), K7, (Northern Campus)

Keith Humphreys, Ph.D., Professor
Cancer Research KI Executive Board MemberDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB), C8, (Northern Campus)

Joakim Dilner, M.D., Ph.D., Professor
Cancer Research KI Executive Board MemberDepartment of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology (CLINTEC), H9, (Southern Campus)

Jonas Fuxe, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Cancer Research KI Executive Board MemberDepartment of Laboratory Medicine (LabMed), H5, (Southern Campus)

Patrik Rossi, MD, Ph.D.
Ex officio Cancer Research KI Executive Board MemberActing Managing Director, Cancer Theme Karolinska University Hospital (Northern and Southern Campus)

Carlos Rodrigues, Clinical Assistant
Cancer Research KI Executive Board Junior Faculty representativeDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH), K6, (Northern Campus)

Ninib Baryawno, Ph.D., Asst. Prof.
Cancer Research KI Executive Board MemberDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH), K6, (Northern Campus)

Sara Abu Ajamieh
Cancer Research KI Executive Board Ph.D. student representativeDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH), K6, (Northern Campus)

Lise-lott Eriksson
Patient Group Representative for Cancer Research KIChairperson of the Blood Cancer Forum

Lena Sharp R.N., Ph.D.
Adjunct Ex Officio Cancer Research KI Executive Board MemberHead of Regional Cancer Center Stockholm Gotland

Eva Jolly R.N., M.Sc.
Chief Coordinating Officer Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer CenterCancer Research KI Administration

Liselotte Bäckdahl, Ph.D.
Research CoordinatorDepartment of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB), C2, (Northern Campus)

Dina Dabaghie, Ph.D.
Research AdministratorDepartment of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB), C2, (Northern Campus)

Pablo Martí Andrés, Ph.D.
Research AdministratorDepartment of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB), C2, (Northern Campus)

Stefina Milanova, Ph.D.
Research AdministratorDepartment of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB), C2, (Northern Campus)
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
Cancer Research KI Executive Board Minutes - 2025
Cancer Research KI Executive Board Minutes - 2024