Rehabiliteringskoordinering är en funktion som under senare år har införts i Sverige som stöd för hälso- och sjukvårdens hantering av sjukskrivningsärenden. Numera är denna funktion även lagstadgad.
Rapport från studier
Vi gör och har gjort flera studier om detta. Resultat finns bland annat i dessa fyra rapporter.
Internationella tidskrifter
Resultat har även publicerats i internationella tidskrifter, bland annat i dessa artiklar:
- Svärd V, Arapovic Johansson Z, Holmlund L, Hellman T, Kwak L, Björk Brämberg E. Collaboration in the return-to-work process after sick leave due to common mental disorders: a qualitative study of stakeholders’ views on goals and roles. BMC Public Health 2024; 24, 1567.
- Azad A, Svärd V. Competence and professionalisation among return-to-work coordinators in Sweden: comparisons by original profession. European Journal of Social Work: 2023. Published online 10 March. Doi:10.1080/13691457.2023.2186269
- Berglund E, Friberg E, Engblom M, Andersén Å, Svärd V. Coordination and perceived support for return to work: A cross-sectional study among patients in Swedish healthcare. International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health 2022; 19(7), 4040.
- Svärd V, Jannas S. Organisational prerequisites for coordinating the return-to-work process for people with multimorbidity and psychosocial difficulties. Disability and Rehabilitation 2022. Published online 25 August. Doi: 10.1080/09638288.2022.2114019
- Azad A, Svärd V. Patients’ with Multimorbidity and Psychosocial Difficulties and Their Views on Important Professional Competence for Rehabilitation Coordinators in the Return-to-Work Process. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021; 18(19):10280
- Svärd V, Friberg E, Azad A. How people with multimorbidity and psychosocial difficulties experience support by rehabilitation coordinators during sickness absence. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare 2021,14:1245-1257.