Artiklar - avdelningen för psykologi
Här listas utvalda artiklar från avdelningens forskargrupper
- Balter LJT. and Axelsson.J. (2024). Sleep and subjective age: protect your sleep if you want to feel young,Proceedings of the Royal Society, 291, 20240171.
- Hansson, L.S., Tognetti, A., Sigurjónsson, P., Brück, E., Wåhlén, K., Jensen, K., Olsson, M.J., Toll John, R., Wilhelms, D.B.,Lekander, M., Lasselin, J., (2024). Perception of unfamiliar caregivers during sickness –Using the new caregiver perception task (CgPT) during experimental endotoxemia. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity.
- Ruehr L, Blomé S, Kastrati G, Lagerbäck T, Jonsjö M, Möller H, Skorpil M, Lasselin J, Lalouni M, Gerdhem P, Jensen K. (2024). Back morphology and walking patterns mean 13.8 years after surgery for lumbar disk herniation in adolescents. Pain Rep., 9(2):e1148.
- Khorisantono PA, Fondberg R, Hunger study group author, Lundström JN, Seubert J. (in press). Dissociable effects of hunger, exposure and sensory overlap on flavourliking. Food Quality and Preference.
- Sorjonen, K and Melin, B (2024). Spurious prospective effects between general and domain-specific self-esteem: A reanalysis of a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. PlosOne.
- Vieira, B., J., & Olsson, A. (in press). The convergence between defenceand care-based helping in mammals,Trends in Cognitive Science.
- Selbing, I., Sandberg, D., Olsson, A., Lindström, B., and Golkar, A. (in press). The Transfer of Social Threat Learning to Decision-Making is Robust to Extinction, Emotion.
- Becker, N., Kühn, S., and Olsson, A. (in press). How Emotional Contexts Modulate Item Memory in Individuals with High and Low Negative Affect and Worry, Learning & Memory.
- Selbing, I., Skewes, J. (2024). The expression of decision and learning variables in movement patterns related to decision actions. Experimental Brain Research, 1-15
- Thunell E, Francis G, Dal Bò E, Schaefer E, Lundström JN, and Arshamian A. (in press) Nasal inhalation does not improve memory of visual repetitions. Psychophysiology.
- Francis G, Petrovic P, Lundström JN, and Thunell E. (2024). Induction of nitric oxide via humming does not improve short-term cognitive performance or influence emotional processing. PLoSOne.19(4):e0301268.
- Tognetti A, Saluja S, Lybert N, Lasselin J, Tamm S, Lensmar C, Karshikoff B, Cervenka S, Lekander M, Olsson MJ. Olfactory cues of naturally occurring systemic inflammation: A pilot study of seasonal allergy. Neuroimmunomodulation. 2023 Nov.
- Gordon, A.R., Lundström, J.N., Kimball, B.A. Karshikoff, B., Sorjonen, K., Axelsson, J., Lekander, M. & Olsson, M.J. Human scent as a first-line defense against disease. Sci Rep 13, 16709 (2023).
- Arnaud Tognetti, Evelina Thunell, Marta Zakrzewska, Jonas Olofsson, Mats Lekander, John Axelsson, Mats J Olsson, Discriminating between sick and healthy faces based on early sickness cues: an exploratory analysis of sex differences, Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, 2023;, eoad032,
- Hansson, L.S., Lasselin, J., Tognetti, A., Axelsson, J., Olsson, M.J., Sundelin, T., Lekander, M., The walking sick: Perception of experimental sickness from biological motion, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity (2023)
- Balter, LJT., Xueqi Li, Lilly Schwieler, Sophie Erhardt, John Axelsson, Mats J Olsson, Julie Lasselin, Mats Lekander (2023). Lipopolysaccharide-induced changes in the kynurenine pathway and symptoms of sickness behavior in humans, Psychoneuroendocrinology, 106110, ISSN 0306-4530
- Tognetti, A., Williams, MN, Lybert, N., Lekander, M., Axelsson, J., Olsson, MJ. Humans can detect axillary odor cues of an acute respiratory infection in others, Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 219–228
- Tillqvist, M., Claeson, A.-S., Zakrzewska, M., & Andersson, L. (2023). Comparable responses to a wide range of olfactory stimulation in women and men. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 9059.
- Zakrzewska, M., Liuzza, M. T., & Olofsson, J. K. (2023). Body odor disgust sensitivity (BODS) is related to extreme odor valence perception. PLOS ONE, 18(4), e0284397.
- Zakrzewska, M. Z., Challma, S., Lindholm, T., Cancino-Montecinos, S., Olofsson, J. K., & Liuzza, M. T. (2023). Body odour disgust sensitivity is associated with xenophobia: Evidence from nine countries across five continents. Royal Society Open Science, 10(4), 221407.
- Andreasson A/Tognetti A, Jones M, Lekander M, Lasselin J. Assessing sickness behavior in the French: validation of the French translation of the sickness questionnaire (SicknessQ) in a non-clinical French population. Brain Behav Imm – Health. 2023 34:100708
- Ivarsson, D., Delfin, C., Enebrink, P., & Wallinius, M. (2023). Pinpointing change in virtual reality assisted treatment for violent offenders: a pilot study of Virtual Reality Aggression Prevention Training (VRAPT). Frontiers Psychiatry
- Lengersdorff LL, Wagner IC, Mittmann G, Sastre-Yagüe D, Lüttig A, Olsson A, Petrovic P, Lamm C. (2023). Neuroimaging and behavioral evidence that violent video games exert no negative effect on human empathy for pain and emotional reactivity to violence. Elife. 2023 Nov 17;12:e84951.
- Brady WJ, Jackson JC, Lindström B, Crockett MJ. Algorithm-mediated social learning in online social networks. Trends Cogn Sci. 2023 Oct;27(10):947-960.
- Guitart-Masip M, Walsh A, Dayan P, Olsson A. (2023). Anxiety associated with perceived uncontrollable stress enhances expectations of environmental volatility and impairs reward learning. Sci Rep. 2023 Oct 27;13(1):18451.
- Sorjonen, K., Melin, B., & Nilsonne, G. (2023) Spurious heritability of ability tilts, Personality and Individual Differences
- Sorjonen, K., Ingre, M., Melin, B., & Nilsonne, G. (2023). Unmasking artifactual links: A re-analysis reveals no direct causal relationship between self-esteem and quality of social relations, Heliyon
- Sorjonen, K., Melin, B., & Nilsonne, G. (2023). Distorted meta-analytic findings on peer influence: A reanalysis, Heliyon
- Sorjonen, K., Ingre, M., Melin, B., & Nilsonne, G. (2023). Further arguments that ability tilt correlations are spurious. Intelligence
- Sorjonen, K., Ingre, M., Melin, B., & Nilsonne, G. (2023). Dangers of including outcome at baseline as a covariate in latent change score models: results from simulations and empirical re-analyses, Heliyon
- Kraepelien, M., Hentati, A., Kern, D., Sundström, C., Jernelöv, S., & Lindefors, N. (2023). Transforming guided internet interventions into simplified and self-guided digital tools – Experiences from three recent projects. Internet Interventions, 34, 100693.
- Riemann, D., Espie, C. A., …Jernelöv, S., ..., Verbraecken, J., Spiegelhalder, K. (2023). The European Insomnia Guideline: An update on the diagnosis and treatment of insomnia 2023. Journal of Sleep Research,32(6), e14035.
- d’Onofrio, P., Jernelöv, S., Rosén, A., Blom, K., Kaldo, V., Schwarz, J., & Åkerstedt, T. (2023). The Polysomnographical Meaning of Changed Sleep Quality; A Study of Treatment with Reduced Time in Bed. Brain Sciences,13(10), 1426.
- Åkerstedt T, Schwarz J, Theorell-Haglöw J, Lindberg E. (2023). What do women mean by poor sleep? A large population-based sample with polysomnographical indicators, inflammation, fatigue, depression, and anxiety. Sleep Med, Sep;109:219-225.
- Burén, J., Nutley, S.B., & Thorell, L.B. (in press). Screen time and addictive use of gaming and social media in relation to health outcomes, Frontiers in Psychology
- Åkerstedt T, Bellocco R, Widman L, Eriksson J, Ye W, Adami HO, Trolle Lagerros Y. (2023). The association of short and long sleep with mortality in men and women. J Sleep Res, 16:e13931.
- Tan X, Åkerstedt T, Lagerros YT, Åkerstedt AM, Bellocco R, Adami HO, Ye W, Pei JJ, Wang HX. (2023). Interactive association between insomnia symptoms and sleep duration for the risk of dementia-a prospective study in the Swedish National March Cohort. Age Ageing, 1, 52(9)
- Åkerstedt T, Schwarz J, Theorell-Haglöw J, Lindberg E. (2023). What do women mean by poor sleep? A large population-based sample with polysomnographical indicators, inflammation, fatigue, depression, and anxiety. Sleep Med, 109, 219-225.
- Åkerstedt T, Schwarz J, Lindberg E, Theorell-Haglöw J. (2022). Total sleep time, sleep efficiency, and next day subjective sleepiness in a large group of women. Sleep Adv. 7;3(1).
- D’Adamo, L., Ghaderi, A., Rohde, P., Gau, J.M., Shaw, H., & Stice, E. (2023). Evaluating whether a peer-led dissonance-based eating disorder prevention program prevents onset of each eating disorder type. Psychological Medicine.
- Ghaderi, A., & Welch, E. (2023). A Broad Range: From Simple and Brief to Intensive Single Session Interventions: Commentary on Schleider et al. (2023). International Journal of Eating Disorders, 56, 875-877.
- Öster, K., Tucker, P., Söderström, M., & Dahlgren, A. (2023). Pros and cons of quick returns – a cross-sectional survey among Swedish nurses and nurse assistants. Industrial Health, 61, 379-392.
- van Leuven, L., Engelbrektsson, J., & Forster, M. (2023). Reach and predictors of effects during nation-wide dissemination of the universal parenting program All Children in Focus. BMC Public Health, 23(1)
- Burén, J., Nutley, S.B., & Thorell, L.B. (in press). Evidence of a two-factor structure for Internet Gaming Disorder and Social Media Disorder: Psychometric properties of a new screening instrument. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
- Gosling, C.J, Caparos, S., Pinabiaux, C. Schwarzer G., Rücker, R. … ,Thorell, L.B. and the The SIMBA Study Group (in press). Association between relative age at school and persistence of ADHD in prospective studies: a meta-analysis of individual participant data. Lancet Psychiatry
- Burén, J., Nutley, S.B., & Thorell, L.B. (in press). Screen time and addictive use of gaming and social media in relation to health outcomes, Frontiers in Psychology
- Pontén, M. Jonsjö, M. Vadenmark, V. Moberg, E. Grannas, D. Andersson, G. Boersma, K. Hedman-Lagerlöf, E. Kleinstaeuber, M. Weise, C. Kaldo, V. Ljótsson, B. Andersson, E. Axelsson, E. Jensen, K. Association between expectations and clinical outcomes in online versus face-to-face therapy - an individual participant data meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine
- Pan Y, Vinding MC, Zhang L, Lundqvist D, Olsson A. (2023). A Brain-To-Brain Mechanism for Social Transmission of Threat Learning. Adv. Science, Aug, e2304037
- Espinosa L, Singh L, Eimer T, Olsson A, & Holmes E. (2023). Reading Others’ Social Appraisals After Viewing an Aversive Film Online Impacts Mood But Not Intrusive Memories. Journal of Anxiety Disord, 99, 102763.
- Azevedo F, Olsson A, Jangard S, Pärnamets P, Vieira JB, . et al. (2023). Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries. Scientific Data, 10(1):272,
- van Leuven, L., Enebrink, P., Ghaderi A., Sorjonen, K., Lalouni, M., & Forster, M. (2023). A Randomized Controlled Trial of Safer Kids – A Program for Parents Reported for Child Abuse: Short-Term Effects on Further Reports of Child Abuse and Related Risk Factors. Child Abuse & Neglect, 143, 106329.
- Romare Strandh, M,, Hovén, E., Sörensdotter, R., Stålberg, K., Enebrink, P., Ljungman, L., & Wikman, A. (2023). The Complexity of Being a Parent in the Hospital and a Patient at Home: A Qualitative Study on Parenting Concerns and Challenges Among Parents With Cancer
- Bränström R., Pachankis JE, Jin F, Klein DN, Hatzenbuehler ML. Self-Schemas and Information Processing Biases as Mechanisms Underlying Sexual Orientation Disparities in Depressive Symptoms: Results from a Longitudinal, Population-Based Study. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science. 2023 Jun 15
- Bränström R., Pachankis JE. Structural stigma and 7-year improvement in life satisfaction among diverse groups of sexual minority individuals: A repeated cross-sectional study across 28 countries. Social Problems. 2023 Jun 17.
- Keefe JR, Rodriguez-Seijas C, Jackson SD, Bränström R., Harkness A, Safren SA, Hatzenbuehler ML, Pachankis JE. Moderators of LGBQ-affirmative cognitive behavioral therapy: ESTEEM is especially effective among Black and Latino sexual minority men. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 2023.
- Pachankis JE, Hatzenbuehler ML, Klein DN, Bränström R. The role of shame in the sexual orientation disparity in mental health: A prospective population-based study of multimodal emotional reactions to stigma. Clinical Psychological Science. 2023 Jul 13.
- Hollinsaid NL, Pachankis JE, Bränström R., Hatzenbuehler ML. Hypervigilance: An Understudied Mediator of the Longitudinal Relationship Between Stigma and Internalizing Psychopathology Among Sexual Minority Young Adults. Clinical Psychological Science. 2023
- Jernelöv, S., & Blom, K. (2023). Training of professionals in cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia – A systematic review of peer-reviewed studies. Journal of Sleep Research, e14024.
- Baglioni, C., Espie, C. A., Altena, E., Gavriloff, D., Jernelöv, S., Holzinger, B., Schlarb, A., & Riemann, D. (2023). Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia disorder: Extending the stepped care model. Journal of Sleep Research, e14016.
- Lauri KO, Aspvall K, Mataix-Cols D, Serlachius E, Rueck C, Andersson E. An online self-guided cognitive intervention for unwanted intrusive thoughts about harming infants in new parents: initial randomised controlled trial with mediation analysis. COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY 2023; 1-18
- Andersson E, Mataix-Cols D, Lauri KO, de Schipper E, Ljótsson B, Aspvall K, Wahlund T. The impact of reduced worry on general functioning: A mediation analysis from a randomized trial. Stress and health 2023; 1-23
- Flygare O, Andersson E, Glimsdal G, Mataix-Cols D, Pascal D, Rück C, Enander J. Cost-effectiveness of internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy for body dysmorphic disorder: Results from a randomised controlled trial. Internet interventions 2023 31; 100604-
- Lundberg, U & Melin B (2023). Stress and (public) health. International Encyclopedica of Public Health, Academic Press (6) pp 98-105.
- Sorjonen, K., Melin, M & Melin, B (2023). Spurious prospective effects between work experiences and self-esteem: A reanalysis of a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. European Journal of Personality
- Sorjonen, K & Melin B (2023). Prospective associations between social support and posttraumatic stress disorder may be spurious: A re-meta-analysis of longitudinal studies and a simulation. Journal of Affective Disorders.
- Sturidsson, K., Warren, L., Runeson, B., Melin, B and Sorjonen, K (2023). Mortality among offenders convicted of threatening violence: A population-based study. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management.
- Sorjonen, K., Nilsonne, G., Melin B and Ingre M (2023). Uncertain models: An example involving need for cognition and anxiety and depression symptoms. Personality and Individual Differences
- Sorjonen, K., Ingre., M., Nilsonne, G and Melin, B (2023). Dangers of including baseline as a covariate in latent change score models: Results from simulations and empirical re-analyses. Heliyon
- Liljedahl, S., Gumpert, C., Petterson, A., & Ghaderi, A. (2023). School-based self-harm prevention programs: A systematic review and meta-analysis with implications for international implementation. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology.
- Martinez de Alvaz, P., Ghaderi, A., Andersson, G., Feldman, I., & Sampaio, F. (2023). The cost-effectiveness of a virtual intervention to prevent eating disorders in young women in Sweden. International Journal of Eating disorders.
- Särnholm J, Skúladóttir H, Rück C, Axelsson E, Bonnert M, Bragesjö M, Venkateshvaran A, Ólafsdóttir E, Pedersen SS, Ljótsson B*, Braunschweig F*. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Improves Quality of Life in Patients With Symptomatic Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2023;82(1):46–56. DOI:10.1016/j.jacc.2023.04.044 *Equal contributors
- Axelsson E, Kern D, Hedman-Lagerlöf E, Lindfors P, Palmgren J, Hesser H, Andersson E, Johansson R, Olén O, Bonnert M, Lalouni M, Ljótsson B. Psychological treatments for irritable bowel syndrome: a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis. Cogn. Behav. Ther. 2023;. PMID:37341454
- Yafeng Pan, Andreas Olsson, et al., A brain-to-brain mechanism for social transmission of threat learning, Advanced Science (2023). DOI: 10.1002/advs.202304037
- Rudman, A., Frogeli, E., & Skyvell Nilsson, M. (2023). Gaining acceptance, insight and ability to act: A process evaluation of a preventive stress intervention as part of a transition-to-practice programme for newly graduated nurses. J Adv Nurs
- Oberg E, Blomberg L, Åkerstedt T, & Hirschberg AL. (2023). Different sleep pattern in over- weight/obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne), Feb 10;14:1068045.
- Balter LJT, Li X, Schwieler L, Erhardt S, Axelsson J, Olsson MJ, Lasselin J, & Lekander M. (2023). Lipopolysaccharide-induced changes in the kynurenine pathway and symptoms of sickness behavior in humans. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 153, 106110.
- Lundström L, Flygare O, Ivanova E, Mataix-Cols D, Enander J, Pascal D, Chen LL, Andersson E, & Rück C. (2023) Effectiveness of Internet-based cognitive-behavioural therapy for obsessive- compulsive disorder (OCD-NET) and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD-NET) in the Swedish public health system using the RE-AIM implementation framework. Internet interventions, 31, 100608
- Robertson, C.E., Pröllochs, N., Schwarzenegger, K., Pärnamets, P., Van Bavel, J.J., & Feuerriegel, S. (2023). Negativity drives online news consumption. Nature Human Behaviour.
- Norman Å, & Enebrink P. (2023) Effects of a parental support intervention for parents in prison on child-parent relationship and criminal attitude – the For Our Children’s Sake pragmatic controlled study Accepted for publication in Plos One
- Larsson K, Rossen J, Hagströmer M, Johansson UB, Norman Å. (2023) Health care professionals’ experiences of supporting persons with metabolic risk factors to increase their physical activity level – a qualitative study in primary care. Accepted for publication in Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
- Clausén Gull I, Kapetanovic S, Norman Å, Ferrer-Wreder L, Olsson TM and Eninger L (2023). Neighborhood conditions in a Swedish context-Two studies of reliability and validity of virtual systematic social observation using Google Street View. Front. Psychol. 14:1020742. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1020742
- Lundgren, J., Bernhardsson, S., Ryding, J., & Ghaderi, A. (2023). Swedish parents’ satisfaction and experiences of facilitators and barriers with Family Check-up: A mixed methods study. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology,
- Lundqvist, M., Brincat, S. L., Rose, J., Warden, M. R., Buschman, T. J., Miller, E. K., & Herman, P. (2023). Working memory control dynamics follow principles of spatial computing. Nature Communications, 14(1), 1429.
- Kozachkov, L., Tauber, J., Lundqvist, M., Brincat, S. L., Slotine, J. J., & Miller, E. K. (2022). Robust and brain-like working memory through short-term synaptic plasticity. PLOS Computational Biology, 18(12), e1010776.
- Hahn, L. A., Balakhonov, D., Lundqvist, M., Nieder, A., & Rose, J. (2022). Oscillations without cortex: Working memory modulates brainwaves in the endbrain of crows. Progress in Neurobiology, 219, 102372.
- Lundqvist, Mikael, Jonas Rose, Scott L. Brincat, Melissa R. Warden, Timothy J. Buschman, Pawel Herman, & Earl K. Miller. "Reduced variability of bursting activity during working memory." Scientific reports 12, no. 1 (2022): 15050.
- Bartels, S. L., Taygar, A. S., Johnsson, S. I., Petersson, S., Flink, I., Boersma, K., McCracken, L. M., & Wicksell, R. K. (2023). Using Personas in the development of eHealth interventions for chronic pain: A scoping review and narrative synthesis. Internet Interventions, 100619
- Winter, A. L., Henecke, S., Lundström, J. N., & Thunell, E. (2023). Impairment of quality of life due to COVID-19-induced long-term olfactory dysfunction. Frontiers in Psychology
- Oberg, E., Blomberg, L., Åkerstedt, T., & Hirschberg, A. L. (2023). Different sleep pattern in over- weight/obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne), 14, 1068045
- Rosen, A., D'Onofrio, P., Kaldo, V., Akerstedt, T., & Jernelov, S. (2023). A comparison of sleep restriction and sleep compression on objective measures of sleep: A sub-sample from a large randomised controlled trial. J Sleep Res, e13826
- Sorjonen, K & Melin, B (2023). Necessary Condition Analysis has either low specificity or low sensitivity: Results from simulations and empirical analyses of grit, depression, and anxiety Heliyon D-22-23955R2
- Sorjonen, K., Ingre, M., Nilsonne, G and Melin, B (in press). Further arguments that ability tilt correlations are spurious. Intelligence
- Frögéli E, Annell S, Rudman A, Inzunza M, Gustavsson P. (2022) The Importance of Effective Organizational Socialization for Preventing Stress, Strain, and Early Career Burnout: An Intensive Longitudinal Study of New Professionals. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 15;19(12):7356.
- Frögéli E, Jenner B, Gustavsson P (2023) Effectiveness of formal onboarding for facilitating organizational socialization: A systematic review. PLoS ONE 18(2): e0281823.
- Sundberg T, Skillgate E, Gustavsson P, Rudman A. (2023) Early career demanding psychosocial work environment and severe back pain and neck/shoulder pain in experienced nurses: A cohort study. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 2023;0(0).
- Norman, Å., & Enebrink, P. (2023). Participating in a parenting intervention in prison, perceptions from incarcerated fathers and mothers – a convergent mixed-methods study. PLoS ONE
- Öst, LG, Enebrink, P., Finnes, A., Ghaderi, A., Haunen, A., Kvale, G., Salomonsson, S., 6 Wergeland, GJ. (2023). Cognitive behavior therapy for adult anxiety disorders in routine clinical care A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice
- Jangard, S., Lindström, B., Khemiri, L., Pärnamets, P., Jayaram-Lindström, N., & Olsson, A. (2022). Alcohol use disorder displays trait-related reductions in prosocial decision making. Biological Psychiatry, Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 7, 925-934.
- Pavlovic, T., Azevedo, F., ... Olsson, A., ... Keudel, O. (2022). Predicting attitudinal and behavioral responses to COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning. PNAS Nexus.
- Müllner-Huber A., Anton-Boicuk L., Pronizius E., Lengersdorff L, Olsson A., Lamm C. (2022). The causal role of affect sharing in driving vicarious fear learning. PLoS One.
- Čehajić-Clancy, S. & Olsson, A. (2023). Threaten and affirm: The role of ingroup moral exemplars for promoting prosocial intergroup behaviour through affirming moral identity. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations.
- Flygare O, Wallert J, Chen LL, Fernández de la Cruz L, Lundström L, Mataix-Cols D, Rück
C, Andersson E. Empirically Defining Treatment Response and Remission in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Using the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory-Revised. Behavior therapy 2023 54;1 43-50 - Hedman-Lagerlöf M, Andersson E, Ljótsson B, Engelbrektsson J, Lundbäck K, Björkander
D, Hedman-Lagerlöf E, Flink I, Axelsson E. Effect moderators in Internet-based exposure therapy for fibromyalgia: The role of pain intensity. European journal of pain 2022 ; - Bonnert M, Roelstraete B, Bergstrom SE, Bjureberg J, Andersson E, Almqvist C. The Fear of Asthma Symptoms Scale and the Asthma Behavior Checklist: preliminary validity of two novel patient reported outcome measures. JOURNAL OF ASTHMA 2022 ; 1-8
- Mataix-Cols D, Andersson E, Aspvall K, Boberg J, Crowley JJ, de Schipper E, Fernández de la Cruz L, Flygare O, Ivanova E, Lenhard F, Lundström L, Rück C, Serlachius E, Cervin M. Operational Definitions of Treatment Response and Remission in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Capture Meaningful Improvements in Everyday Life. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics 2022 91;6 424-430
- Flygare, O., Andersson, E., Glimsdal, G., Mataix-Cols, D., Pascal, D., Rück, C., & Enander, J. (2023). Cost-effectiveness of internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy for body dysmorphic disorder: Results from a randomised controlled trial. Internet Interventions, 31, 100604.
- Sorjonen, K., Nilsonne, G., Melin, B., and Ingre, M (2023). Uncertain inference in random intercept cross-lagged panel models: An example involving need for cognition and anxiety and depression symptoms. Personality and Individual Differences.
- Åkerstedt T, Olsson T, Alfredsson L, Hedström AK. Insufficient sleep during adolescence and risk of multiple sclerosis: results from a Swedish case-control study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2023 Jan 23
- 10.1136/jnnp-2022-330123. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36690431Bovet, J., Tognetti, A. & Pollet, T. Methodological issues when using face prototypes: A case study on the Faceaurus dataset. (2022). Evolutionary Human Sciences, 4, E48. doi:10.1017/ehs.2022.25
- Bränström, R. & Tognetti, A. Comment l'évolution de l'opinion publique et des réformes législatives des dix dernières années influence la satisfaction de vie des minorités sexuelles vivant en France, en Suède et en Pologne ? (2023). Santé Publique. Accepted.
- Juran, S., Tognetti, A., Lundström, J., Kumar, L., Stevenson, R., Lekander, M., Olsson, M.J. Disgusting odors trigger the oral immune system. (2022). Evolution, Medecine, and Public Health. In press.
- Pick CM, ... Hansson LS, ..., Lasselin J, et al. Family still matters: Human social motivation across 42 countries during a global pandemic. Evol Hum Behav, 2022, 43(6):527-535.
- Karshikoff B, Lekander M, Lasselin J. Editorial: Vulnerability and protective factors for inflammation-associated somatoform and mental disorders. Brain Behav Immun, 2022, 106:227- 230.
- Pick CM, ..., Hansson LS, ..., Lasselin J, et al. Fundamental social motives measured across forty- two cultures in two waves. Sci Data, 2022, 9(1):499.
- Vieira, J. B. & Olsson, A. Neural defensive circuits underlie helping under threat in humans, eLife
- Vieira, J.B.; Pierzchajlo, S., Jangard, S., Marsh, A., & Olsson, A. Acute anxiety during the Covid-19 pandemic was associated with higher levels of everyday altruism, Scientific Reports.
- Asplund M, Lenhard F, Andersson E, Ivanov VZ. Internet-delivered acceptance-based behavior therapy for trichotillomania and skin-picking disorder in a psychiatric setting: A feasibility trial. Internet interventions 2022 30; 100573-
- Blom, K., & Jernelöv, S. (2022). CBT-I Protocol for Insomnia Co-morbid with Affective Disorders. In C. Baglioni, C. A. Espie, D. Riemann, European Sleep Research Society, European Insomnia Network, & European Academy for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (Eds.), Cognitive‐ Behavioural Therapy For Insomnia (CBT‐I) Across The Life Span: Guidelines and Clinical Protocols for Health Professionals (pp. 139-150). Wiley Blackwell.
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- Alimoradi, Z., Jafari, E., Broström, A., Ohayon, M. M., Lin, C.-Y., Griffiths, M. D., Blom, K., Jernelöv, S., Kaldo, V., Pakpour, A. H. (2022). Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) on Quality of Life: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sleep medicine reviews, 101646
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- Observation of others’ threat reactions recovers memories previously shaped by firsthand experiences
Både människor och andra djur lär sig snabbt om faror i sin omgivning genom att observera beteendet hos andra individer. Nu visar forskare vid Karolinska Institutet för första gången att både råttor och människor kan använda sig av sådan social information för att återaktivera rädslo-minnen som lärts in genom egna erfarenheter. Forskarna visar också att den sociala minnesaktiveringen är starkare i en miljö som påminner om den där de ursprungliga rädslominnena skapades.
Utöver oss på KI är studien ett samarbetsprojekt tillsammans med forskare på följande universitet: University Medical Center, Hamburg-Eppendorf (Germany); New York University och Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research (USA) och The Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spanien)
- Hansson, L S; Axelsson, J; Petrovic, P; Paues Göranson, S; Olsson, M J; Lekander, M; Lasselin, J. (2021). Regulation of emotions during experimental endotoxemia: A pilot study. Brain Behavior, and Immunity 2021 Jan 22:S0889-1591(21)00017-9.
Denna pilotstudie indikerar att inflammation påverkar förmågan att reglera känslor gentemot obehagligt stimuli. Den föreslår också svårigheter i att omvärdera äckel-relaterade stimuli.
- Pan, Y; Olsson, A; Golkar, A. (2020). Social safety learning: Shared safety abolishes the recovery of learned threat, Behaviour Research and Therapy, 135, 103733.
Denna studie visar att utsläckning av inlärda rädsloresponser optimeras av kombinationen av direkt och social exponering. Vår forskning kan hjälpa till att identifiera psykologiska och sociala strategier som kan användas för att motverka icke-funktionell rädsla hos människor.
- Pachankis, J. E., Mahon, C. P., Jackson, S. D., Fetzner, B. K., & Bränström, R. (2020). Sexual orientation concealment and mental health: A conceptual and meta-analytic review. Psychological Bulletin.
Resultat från en meta-analys av 193 studier visar att det finns en liten ökad risk för depression, ångest, nedstämdhet och ätstörningar kopplat till att dölja en identitet som homo- eller bisexuell, samt en omvänd liten minskad risk för missbruksproblem.
- Pachankis, J. E., Clark, K. A., Burton, C. L., Hughto, J. M. W., Bränström, R., & Keene, D. E. (2020). Sex, status, competition, and exclusion: Intraminority stress from within the gay community and gay and bisexual men’s mental health. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Homo- och bisexuella män upplever stress relaterat till konkurrens och specifika krav kring maskulinitet, utseende, makt och status inom bögvärlden som bidrar till denna grupps ökade risk för psykisk ohälsa.
- Bränström, R., & Pachankis, J. E. (2020). Reduction in mental health treatment utilization among transgender individuals after gender-affirming surgeries: a total population study. American journal of psychiatry, 177(8), 727-734.
Transpersoner som söker könsbekräftande vård i Sverige har en ökad risk för psykisk ohälsa, men sannolikheten att behandlas för depression och ångestproblematik minskar som en funktion av antal år sedan avslutad könsbekräftande kirurgi.
- Espinosa, L; Kleberg, J.L; Hofvander, B; Berggren, S; Bölte, S; Olsson, A. (2020). Enhanced social learning of threat in adults with autism, Molecular Autism, 11.
Våra resultat visar att individer med autism spektrum problem (ASD) uttryckte starkare vikarierande inlärning jämfört med friska kontrolldeltagare. Alla deltagare i vårt experiment lärde sig att associera ett specifikt stimulus med hot genom att titta på en annan person (”Demonstratör”) som fick milda stötar kopplade till stimulit. Individer med ASD uttryckte starkare inlärning trots att de var mindre uppmärksamma på Demonstratörens ansiktsuttryck. En möjlig förklaring är att ASD försämrar förmågan att nedreglera hotresponser i sociala situationer. Våra fynd visar också att vikarierande inlärning inte kräver en typiskt utvecklad social kognition.
- Vieira, J B; Schellhaas, S; Enström, E; Olsson, A. (2020). Help or flight? Increased threat imminence promotes defensive helping in humans, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287.
Vår experimentella studie visar att benägenheten att hjälpa en okänd person att undvika ett hot (risken att få en obehaglig stöt) ökar i takt med att hotet närmar sig den andre. Våra fynd tyder på att liknande underliggande mekanismer som förbereder oss att aktivt undvika faror som närmar sig oss själva (genom ”fight-or-flight”) också förbereder oss att hjälpa andra när de hotas.
- Pärnamets, P., & Olsson, A. (2020). Integration of social cues and individual experiences during instrumental avoidance learning. PLOS Computational Biology, 16(9), e1008163.
Forskningen undersöker processerna med vilka människor kan lära sig hur tillförlitliga andra personers råd om potentiellt farliga beslutsalternativ är och hur sån information kan utnyttjas upprepade gånger i nya miljöer.
- Holding, B C; Sundelin, T; Schiller, H; Åkerstedt, T; Kecklund, G; Axelsson, J. (2020). Sleepiness, sleep duration, and human social activity: An investigation into bidirectionality using longitudinal time-use data
Våran studie visar att sömnighet är ett dynamiskt motivationstillstånd med syfte att säkerställa att vi förbereder oss för sömn, och konkurrerar med andra motivationstillstånd. Studien föreslår en teoretisk modell där sömnighet och dess beteendekonsekvenser kan öka förståelse av sjukdomsmekanismer.
- Axelsson, J; Ingre, M; Kecklund, G; Lekander, M; Wright, K P; Sundelin, T. (2020). Sleepiness as motivation: a potential mechanism for how sleep deprivation affects behavior
Denna studie visar att sömnighet minskar sannolikheten att delta i sociala aktiviteter, och hur länge vi är socialt aktiva. Att vara sömnig minskar sannolikheten med 70% att vara social altiv jämfört med när man är pigg.
- J Lasselin, T Sundelin, P M Wayne, M J Olsson, S Paues Göranson, J Axelsson, M Lekander. (2020). Biological motion during inflammation in humans
Denna studie visar att en experimentell inflammation har stark påverkan på biologisk rörelse (t.ex. gånghastighet, steglängd, och hur vi håller armar, ben, huvud och axlar).