Global Child Health and the Sustainable Development Goals – Tobias Alfvén's research group

The aim of the Global Child Health and the Sustainable Development Goals research group is to generate knowledge in order to improve health and equity for children of all ages and to improve the quality of care for children throughout the world.

People holding a globe

About our research

Our vision is to enable the best possible health for all children, with a particular focus on children in poor and vulnerable environments. The group focuses on child health through an SDG lens and our research strives to be multidisciplinary and drive evidence-informed policy making. Key foci of our work are on identifying and addressing bottlenecks within the health system to make the most essential care available.

Research areas 

Child health has seen a lot of progress in the last thirty years, under-five mortality has decreased by more than half, many more children go to school and fewer children live in extreme poverty. However, 5 million children still die before their fifth birthday and the differences in risk between different countries can be as great as 50-fold. And survival is not enough, we must give children and adolescents the possibility to thrive on a healthy planet.

Our research projects are divided across seven research themes to cover the various areas of global child health:  

  • Case management and emergency care
  • Technology and innovation
  • Infectious diseases and outbreak control
  • Newborn care
  • Child development
  • Adolescent mental health and well-being
  • Multi-sectoral and policy research, including climate change

Global collaborations

News from the research group


The research group in the media


All publications from group members

Staff and contact

Group leader

All members of the group