Kelly Elimian
Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: Tomtebodavägen 18A, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: K9 Global folkhälsa, K9 GPH Alfvén, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Global Child Health and Sustainable Development Goals in the Department of Global Public Health at Karolinska Institutet and Research Associate to the Nigeria CDC.
Previously worked as a Research Fellow at the Institute for Global Health Development at Queen Margaret University in the UK and Research Coordinator at the Nigeria CDC.
Academic qualifications:
* BSc (Hons) in Microbiology from the University of Benin, Nigeria
* MSc in Medical Microbiology from the University of Benin, Nigeria
* MSc in Applied Epidemiology from the University of Nottingham, UK
* PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health from the University of Nottingham, UK
- Current research focuses on applying *epidemiology* and *systems thinking* to
study *cholera* and *COVID-19* in fragile settings in Nigeria. Other research
interests include:
-Respiratory syncitial virus
-Climate change and child health
-Lassa fever
- Participation in teaching the following courses to MSc students:
-Global Health
-Research Methodology
-Collecting and Organizing Epidemiological Data
-Maternal and Child Health
- Article: GLOBAL HEALTH ACTION. 2024;17(1):2317774
- Article: SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE. 2024;348:116777
- Journal article: REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH. 2024;21(1):6
- Article: PLOS GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH. 2024;4(3):e0002896
- Article: BMJ GLOBAL HEALTH. 2023;8(12):e013788
- Article: BMC GLOBAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 2023;1(1):6
- Article: HUMAN RESOURCES FOR HEALTH. 2023;21(1):6
- Article: JOURNAL OF GLOBAL HEALTH. 2022;12:03055
- Article: BMJ OPEN. 2022;12(4):e058747
- Journal article: PLOS GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH. 2022;2(8):e0000191
- Article: PLOS GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH. 2022;2(6):e0000169
- Article: JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 2021;43(4):772-779
- Journal article: ATHEROSCLEROSIS. 2021;338:7-14
- Article: BMJ GLOBAL HEALTH. 2021;6(11):e007076
- Article: BMJ OPEN. 2021;11(9):e049699
- Journal article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY. 2021;50(Supplement_1):dyab168.518
- Article: PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES. 2021;15(1):e0009046
- Article: BMJ OPEN. 2020;10(12):e044079
- Article: EPIDEMIOLOGY AND INFECTION. 2020;148:e208
- Article: JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 2020;42(2):353-361
- Article: PAN AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL. 2020;37:179
- Article: PAN AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL. 2020;37:368
- Article: PAN AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL. 2020;35:88
- Article: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2019;19(1):1264
- Journal article: JOURNAL OF THORACIC ONCOLOGY. 2018;13(10):s577-s578
- Journal article:Incidence Rate of COVID-19 Mortality and its Associated Factors During the First and Second Waves in Nigeria: A Retrospective Cohort Study
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All other publications
- Book chapter: HANDBOOK OF GLOBAL HEALTH. 2021;p. 171-189
- Editorial comment: JOURNAL OF GLOBAL HEALTH. 2020;10(2):020399
- Review: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2020;20(1):432
- Review: LUNG CANCER. 2020;141:44-55
- Review: HEALTH POLICY AND PLANNING. 2020;35(2):235-243
- Swedish Research Council1 January 2022 - 31 December 2023
- Swedish Research Council for Health Working Life and Welfare1 September 2020 - 31 August 2022
- Affiliated to Research, Department of Global Public Health, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2025
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Global Public Health, Karolinska Institutet, 2020-2024