Spotlight on
What kind of research is conducted within different medical areas, and what do the scientists say about it? Here we highlight various issues in popular science themes. Most of the interviews and feature articles have previously been published in our popular science magazine Medicinsk Vetenskap (eng. Medical Science), but some of the material presented comes from our social media or KI News.

ADHD and autism

AI in medicine and health

Alcohol dependence

Alzheimer's disease

ALS – amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Antibiotic resistance – the silent pandemic


Back pain

Bacteria – our friends

Breast cancer

Cardiac arrest


Cell death

Childhood cancer

Chronic pain

Conditions of science

COVID-19 – the new corona disease


Eating disorders

Foods allergy

Food and health

Forensic psychiatric care

Healthy ageing

Health inequities

High blood pressure


The liver – long live

Lung cancer

Multiple sclerosis – MS

Nicotine in a new guise

NK cells

Obsessive-compulsive disorder – OCD

Organ donation

Overweight and obesity

Palliative care


Parkinson's disease

Participating in research

Precision medicine

Premature birth

Prostate cancer



Rare diseases

Refugee Health

Relationships, identity and sexuality

Our senses

Sepsis - The hidden killer


Suicide prevention

Sustainable development and health

Treatment for depression


Vaccine research

Women's health

Working life
More reading

The magazine Medical Science
The magazine Medical Science (Medicinsk Vetenskap) is published by Karolinska Institutet and targets the general public interested in medical science.

Inauguration of professors 2022
On Thursday 13 October 2022, 21 new professors of Karolinska Institutet will be inaugurated in solemn forms in Aula Medica. In addition, we give our new adjunct professors a warm welcome and celebrate a number of recipients of academic awards. Read more about our new professors and their research!

Interviews and portraits – meet some of our researchers
Read about researchers, teachers and doctoral students at KI. Most of the interviews have previously been published in our magazine Medical Science or online at KI News.