Spotlight on: The conditions of science
To be active in academic research can be seen as both a vocational calling and a professional career. The challenges for today's researchers are many – ranging from complex ethical issues to the constant grant-applications to fund their research. On this page we have collected some of the news and feature articles on the theme previously published in our different communication channels.

A long road from research to practical benefit
Should masks be worn or not? What’s the best way to relieve pain? New information is constantly emerging from research. But translating new scientific results into practical applications often takes a long time.

New titles for the hidden specialists behind KI's research
They work with highly specialised equipment for facilities that they have often built up themselves. Although not themselves researchers, their expertise, experience and international contacts render them indispensable for research at KI. A year ago, new titles were created for this important category of employee.

The story about Moderna and the mRNA vaccine
The success of the mRNA-based vaccines is a boost for the entire mRNA field and can lead to new treatments for completely different diseases. This is the view of KI Professor Kenneth Chien, co-founder of Moderna, one of the companies that has developed a COVID-19 vaccine.

Doing science together: Lessons from university-industry research programs
Karolinska Institutet has a long-standing collaboration with the global biopharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. In a recently published feature article in Drug Discovery Today, academic and industry representatives describe three success factors that help to leverage the strength of these types of partnerships: mutual collaboration, mutually beneficial science, and a mutual governance model with senior management involvement (3MCs).

Several new KI investments for promoting pioneering research
New investments are now being implemented to strengthen Karolinska Institutet’s position as a pioneering research university. Many of these investments are aimed at more junior researchers and include the KI Research Incubator (KIRI), a virtual forum for multidisciplinary collaboration. Two other initiatives are also in the pipeline – a mentor and coaching programme and a new network to enhance the qualification prospects for female researchers and teachers.

Academic freedom under threat
Several high-profile cases of intimidation, harassment and imprisoned researchers demonstrate that academic freedom is under considerable pressure. In May 2022, KI highlighted the situation during the seminar "Academic freedom and international collaboration in a turbulent world."

Sex and gender differences in health
How can we learn more about relationships between sex, gender and health? Part of the solution may be to be more aware of sex at an earlier stage, in experimental basic research. Read an article from our popular science magazine Medicinsk Vetenskap (in translation from Swedish).

They are fighting ignorance
In the era of fake news, standing up for facts is becoming increasingly important. Meet three researchers on a crusade against misinformation.

The challenge – to find the best research
Within medical research, there is currently a range of different measures used to assess which research is best. But critics argue that the measurement has become an end in itself.

Reproducibility of research in psychology investigated
An international study questions the reproducibility of much of the published findings in psychology journals.

The language of science has become harder to understand
It is not always so easy to understand a scientific article. And with time it has become even harder, according to a new study from KI.

Rapid research finds new paths
When the world is on hold, research shifts into its highest gear. Time-consuming steps of the research project are skipped – but ethics must never be forgotten.

Professors in history – ideals have changed over time
Opinions have varied on how many professors Karolinska Institutet is to have, according to science historian Daniel Normark. The first change took place in 1993, when over a hundred “kingdoms” were abolished.

Patience an indispensible quality for a professor
Anita Aperia has been a professor for more than 35 years, Pernilla Lagergren took up her post quite recently. Yet, their attitudes towards their professional roles are in many respects similar.

How professors are made at KI
Since 2011 universities and institutions of higher education in Sweden have had greater freedom to decide themselves on the appointment of a professor. KI has chosen to expose professorships to competition and has abolished the right to be promoted.

He travels by train to international conferences
In order to reduce his own and KI’s negative environmental impact, Shervin Shahnavaz is taking the train instead of flying for his official business travels, if it is possible.

She learned to appreciate the critics
As a young researcher, Liv Eidsmo, was at first scared by the critical culture at her new workplace – since then she has learnt to appreciate it.

Increased citing of Bob Dylan in biomedical research
The number of articles citing the lyrics of Bob Dylan in the biomedical literature has increased exponentially since 1990, according to a study from Karolinska Institutet.