SALiCCS: Socioeconomic Consequences in Adult Life after Childhood Cancer in Scandinavia – a three Nordic country-wide population based study

Childhood cancer survivors constitute an increasing population due to improved survival rates. Little is known about the socioeconomic consequences in long-term survivors and this will be investigated in SALiCCS.

Over the past five decades, substantial advances in tumour biology and treatment have led to considerable improvement in childhood cancer survival, with five-year survival now exceeding 80%. As a result, the number of childhood cancer survivors increases continuously. The challenge of today is to reduce the treatment related complications, while maintaining high survival. Whereas a large number of studies investigated somatic late effects in survivors, little is known about the socioeconomic and psychosocial impact of childhood cancer in long-term survivors.

The overall aim of this Nordic collaborative project is to investigate socioeconomic consequences in long-term survivors after childhood cancer within a large cross-national population-based setting, taking also the somatic and psychiatric disease burden of the survivors into consideration. Socioeconomic circumstances such as education, employment, need of social security benefits, partnership and founding a family are areas that will be investigated.

The study population is based on the already established cohorts within the Adult Life after Childhood Cancer in Scandinavia (ALiCCS) study, that was created to study somatic late effects of childhood cancer. The updated cohort that forms SALiCCS contains follow-up information of approximately 24,000 5-year cancer survivors from Denmark, Sweden and Finland, five times as many population comparisons and siblings to the cancer survivors. Data-linkage is performed between the national cancer registries, population registries, hospital registries, and registers including socioeconomic information.

The project is lead from the Danish Cancer Society Research Center, by principal investigator Jeanette Falck Winther.

Official webpage of SALiCCS


Jeanette Falck Winther (PI), Camilla Pedersen (project co-ordinator): Danish Cancer Society Research Center, Survivorship, Copenhagen, Denmark

Laura Madanat-Harjuoja (PI for Finland), Nea Malila: The Finnish Cancer Registry, Helsinki, Finland

Friederike Erdmann (former project co-ordinator): Division of Childhood Cancer Epidemiology, Institute of Medical Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics (IMBEI), University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany, former at the Danish Cancer Society Research Center



The Danish Childhood Cancer Foundation


Mats Talbäck

Profile image

Hanna Mogensen

Postdoktorala Studier;Anknuten till Forskning


Surviving childhood cancer: a systematic review of studies on risk and determinants of adverse socioeconomic outcomes.
Frederiksen LE, Mader L, Feychting M, Mogensen H, Madanat-Harjuoja L, Malila N, et al
Int J Cancer 2019 04;144(8):1796-1823

Suicides and deaths linked to risky health behavior in childhood cancer patients: A Nordic population-based register study.
Korhonen LM, Taskinen M, Rantanen M, Erdmann F, Winther JF, Bautz A, et al
Cancer 2019 10;125(20):3631-3638

Miranda Beck