Shivang Pandey Phd StudentE-mail: shivang.pandey@ki.seVisiting address: Solnavägen 1 E, 11365 StockholmPostal address: K9 Global folkhälsa, K9 GPH Magnusson, 171 77 Stockholm Part of:Department of Global Public HealthPrevention, Intervention and Mechanisms in Public Health (PRIME Health) – Cecilia Magnusson's research groupOrcidPublicationsPublic outreach and newsAll other publications Other: COPERNICUS GMBH. 2025 The Citation Gap: An overview of academic output in the field of Natural Hazards and Climate Extremes analysed through Google Scholar data Shrestha SR; Olivetti L; Pandey S; Worou K; Rafetti ENews from KIEvents from KI