The Eric K. Fernström Prize
The prize is awarded to a younger researcher who is successful and shows particular promise and who, as of 31 December of the year the prize relates to, has still not reached the age of 45. The award takes place as a result of nomination.

The Eric K. Fernström awardee 2024 - Fang Fang
Professor Fang Fang is an eminent researcher, who has distinguished herself in the field of epidemiology, with over 250 published articles and significant contributions to the research of neurodegenerative diseases, especially ALS. Fang Fang has also played a critical role in shaping the next generation of researchers, with 35 PhD students and 17 postdocs under her supervision. Her research and leadership make her a worthy recipient of Fernström's prize for young, especially promising and successful researchers.
The prize winner is awarded a prize sum and a diploma,
The awarded will receive the prize at a ceremony in Lund at "Forskningens dag".
Previous prize winners
The Eric K Fernström prize winner 2023 - Jenny Mjösberg
Jenny Mjösberg at the Department of Medicine receives the 2023 Eric K. Fernström prize for young, especially promising and successful researchers, at Karolinska Institutet, for her outstanding research on the role of innate lymphoid cells in various diseases.
The prize winner 2021 - Gonçalo Castelo-Branco
Gonçalo Castelo-Branco at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB) received the 2021 Eric K. Fernström prize for young, especially promising and successful researchers, at Karolinska Institutet, for his significant research in the oligodendrocyte/myelin field and multiple sclerosis.
The 2020 prize and ceremony was cancelled due to the pandemic
The prize winner 2019
Igor Adameyko at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology (FYFA) receives the 2019 Eric K. Fernström prize for young, especially promising and successful researchers, at Karolinska Institutet, for his pioneering research in developmental biology.
Prize winner 2018 - Pernilla Lagergren
Prof. Pernilla Lagergren receives the 2018 Eric K. Fernströms prize for young, promising and successful researchers, at Karolinska Institutet, for her outstanding research in the area health-related quality of life, particularly in patients with cancer of the oesophagus.
Prize winner 2017- Óscar Fernandez-Capetillo
DrÓscar Fernandez-Capetilloreceives the Eric K. Fernströms prize for young, promising and successful researchers, at Karolinska Institutet for his groundbreaking research on the field of cancer and ageing.
2016 - Rickard Sandberg
Rickard Sandberg, Professor at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, is awarded the prize for pioneering single-cell technologies and his important discoveries of gene regulatory mechanisms across mammalian tissues and in singe cells.
In his research, Rickard Sandberg combines genome-wide experimental and computational techniques to study gene regulation in development and disease.
2015 - Sten Linnarsson
Sten Linnarsson, Professor at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics has been awarded the Eric K Fernström Prize for 2015. He is receiving the prize for establishing himself as an internationally leading researcher within the area single cell analysis, where he contributed with both publicized work focusing on methods and with studies where this technology has been used for investigations which have resulted in breakthrough biological findings.
2014 - Thomas Helleday
Thomas Helleday, Professor of Chemical Biology at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics at Karolinska Institutet, is awarded the prize for his efforts to find new types of targets for cancer treatment.
2013 - Tibor Harkany
Tibor Harkany, Professor at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, is awarded the prize for his discoveries concerning the structure and function of nerve cells.
2012 - Kirsty Spalding
Kirsty Spalding, Senior research fellow at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, is warded the prize for her pioneering studies on fat and adipose cell (adipocyte) turnover and their role in general metabolism.
2011 - Luca Jovine
Luca Jovine, Professor at the Department of Bioscience and Nutrition, is awarded the prize for his research on conception and the interaction between sperm and egg at a molecular level.
2010 - Jussi Taipale
Jussi Taipale, Professor at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition is awarded the prize for his pioneering research on growth in cells and organs and what it is that goes wrong when cancer occurs.
2009 - Nico Dantuma
Nico Dantuma, Professor at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology is awarded the prize in recognition of his groundbreaking work into the mechanisms of protein degradation.
The Eric K Fernström Foundation was formed in 1978 to promote scientific and medical research. The primary purpose of the Foundation is to make an annual award of monetary prizes to researchers who have made outstanding contributions within the medical sciences. Fernström’s special desire was to stimulate younger researchers. The Foundation therefore makes an annual award of a Nordic prize and six prizes to relatively young medical researchers active in Sweden. Each one of Sweden’s medical faculties designates its own prize winner.