Take part of Nobel Calling 2022 at Karolinska Institutet
Every year in October, the recipients of the Nobel Prizes will be announced. In connection with this, the Nobel Prize Museum organizes inspirational events and instructive meetings in collaboration with, among others, Karolinska Institutet.
In 2022, the events are mainly held in Swedish. Please find the page in Swedish for more information. Some of the events are in English, see below.

Why do 5 million children still die before their fifth birthday?
Lecture, took place on Monday 3 October, at 09.00 (in English)
Global child health has made great progress over the past 30 years; under-five mortality has decreased by more than half, many more children go to school and fewer children live in extreme poverty. However five million children still die before their fifth birthday, and the differences in risk between countries can be as great as 50-fold.
Tobias Alfvén is a paediatrician and associate professor in global health at the Department of Global Public Health at Karolinska Institutet. Together with his colleague Juliet Mwanga-Amumpaire, a paediatrician and associate professor at Mbarara University in Uganda, they will discuss why so many children are still dying and what we can do to ensure that more children survive.
There will be breakfast provided to the first 20 to sign up for in person participation!

Rosling seminar: Our planet, our health – an intergenerational dialogue
Seminar, took place on Wednesday 5 October, at 13-14.30, Andreas Vesalius, Berzelius väg 3, Karolinska Institutet, Solna and online (in English)
A seminar in memory of Hans Rosling, world-renowned professor of global public health at Karolinska Institutet. The World Health Organization and KI arrange an annual seminar with the aim of continuing to work in Rosling's spirit for fact-based decisions, the belief that change is possible and with the goal of eradicating world poverty.

Fully booked: Visit the Nordics largest Zebra fish facility
Guided tours, took place on Wednesday 5 and Thursday 6 October, at 9 and 12.
The Zebrafish core facility (ZCF) will offer guided tours on site for two days. Take this opportunity to take part of medical research, animal husbandry, technology and so much more. Step into a world full of possibilities with us at ZCF.
More information. (Page in Swedish, but the tours will be held in either English or Swedish)