Senaste publikationer och avhandlingar vid IMM


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Vecka 13

Integrative analyses of circulating microRNA expression profile in hexavalent chromium exposed workers - A cross-sectional study within the SafeChrom project.
Jiang Z, Pan M, Liu Y, Lundh T, Pineda D, Schenk L, Saber AT, Vogel U, Ljunggren S, Ricklund N, Engfeldt M, Krais AM, Broberg K, 
J Hazard Mater 2025 May;488():137367

Biomarkers for Prediction of Alcohol-Related Liver Cirrhosis: A General Population-Based Swedish Study of 537,250 Individuals.
Jakobsson G, Talbäck M, Hammar N, Shang Y, Hagström H
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2025 Apr;23(5):816-824.e8

Use of inhaled corticosteroids in bronchiectasis: data from the European Bronchiectasis Registry (EMBARC).
Pollock J, Polverino E, Dhar R, Dimakou K, Traversi L, Bossios A, Haworth C, Loebinger MR, De Soyza A, Vendrell M, Burgel PR, Mertsch P, McDonnell MJ, Skgrat S, Maiz-Carro L, Sibila O, van der Eerden M, Kauppi P, Hill AT, Wilson R, Milenkovic B, Menéndez R, Murris M, Crichton ML, Borecki S, Obradovic D, Irfan M, Eshenkulova V, Nowinski A, Amorim A, Torres A, Lorent N, Welte T, Blasi F, Van Braeckel E, Altenburg J, Shteinberg M, Boersma W, Elborn JS, Aliberti S, Ringshausen FC, Goeminne P, Chalmers JD
Thorax 2025 Mar;():

The target trial framework in global health research: barriers and opportunities.
Al-Kassab-Córdova A, Alarcón-Braga EA, Parra CO, Devasenapathy N, Wärnberg MG, Matthews AA
J Glob Health 2025 Mar;15():03014

Sedentary behaviour and level of physical activity among people with post COVID-19 condition: associated factors and changes over time.
Östlind E, Tornberg ÅB, Ekstrand E, Axén I, Brogårdh C, Fänge AM, Stigmar K, Hansson EE
BMC Res Notes 2025 Mar;18(1):119

Allergic airway inflammation amplifies mast cell responses in isolated guinea pig intralobular bronchi.
Nie M, Liu J, Xiang Y, Wong A, Hendriks E, Nilsson G, Säfholm J, Adner M
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2025 Mar;():

Antibody reactivity against EBNA1 and GlialCAM differentiates multiple sclerosis patients from healthy controls.
Sattarnezhad N, Kockum I, Thomas OG, Liu Y, Ho PP, Barrett AK, Comanescu AI, Wijeratne TU, Utz PJ, Alfredsson L, Steinman L, Robinson WH, Olsson T, Lanz TV
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2025 Mar;122(11):e2424986122

Patient management pathways in dementia - Resource utilisation, diagnosis and drug treatment in the Stockholm region, Sweden.
Aho E, Religa D, Ding M, Winblad B, Jönsson L, Modig K
J Prev Alzheimers Dis 2025 Mar;():100132

The trajectory of conditional, recurrence-free, and long-term survival in a complete 10-year cohort of patients with advanced ovarian cancer.
Groes Kofoed N, Falconer H, Bottai M, Salehi S
Acta Oncol 2025 Mar;64():423-430

Compliance with Cyproterone Contraindications and Meningioma Risk: Resource-Efficient Use of Aggregated Statistics from Swedish National Health Registers.
Kälkner KM, Sundström A, Ljung R
Pharmaceut Med 2025 Mar;():

Fetal exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water and congenital malformations: A nation-wide register-based study on PFAS in drinking water.
Säve-Söderbergh M, Gyllenhammar I, Schillemans T, Lindfeldt E, Vogs C, Donat-Vargas C, Ankarberg EH, Glynn A, Ahrens L, Helte E, Åkesson A
Environ Int 2025 Mar;198():109381

Socioeconomic position and risk of cervical cancer in the Nordic countries: Results from the Nordic Occupational Cancer Study.
Eslahi M, Pizzato M, Heikkinen S, Martinsen JI, Lynge E, Hansen J, Selander J, Mehlum IS, Pukkala E, Vaccarella S
Int J Cancer 2025 Mar;():

Airborne metals and microorganisms during work with historical books - Exposure and biomonitoring.
Muthalagu A, Delsuz MS, Levi M, Kippler M, Frederiksen MW, Hansen BV, Christensen IB, Broberg K, Madsen AM
Int J Hyg Environ Health 2025 Mar;266():114555

GWAS identifies genetic loci, lifestyle factors and circulating biomarkers that are risk factors for sarcoidosis.
Yuan S, Chen J, Geng J, Zhao SS, Yarmolinsky J, Arkema EV, Abramowitz S, Levin MG, Tsilidis KK, Burgess S, Damrauer SM, Larsson SC
Nat Commun 2025 Mar;16(1):2481

Plasma metabolite profiles of meat intake and their association with cardiovascular disease risk: A population-based study in Swedish cohorts.
Arage G, Dekkers KF, Rašo LM, Hammar U, Ericson U, Larsson SC, Engel H, Baldanzi G, Pertiwi K, Sayols-Baixeras S, Landberg R, Sundström J, Smith JG, Engström G, Ärnlöv J, Orho-Melander M, Lind L, Fall T, Ahmad S
Metabolism 2025 Mar;():156188



A problem-solving intervention for employees on sickness absence due to common mental disorders : effects, ethics and process 
Ida karlsson
Enheten för intervention och implementeringsforskning

“Should i stay, or should i go” : teachers’ motivation to stay at their workplace 
Jeffrey Casely-Hayford
Enheten för intervention och implementeringsforskning

Epithelial alarmins as novel targets for treatment of asthma 
Maria Belikova
Enheten för experimentell astma och allergiforskning 

Diet, genetic susceptibility, latent autoimmune diabetes in adults, type 1 and type 2 diabetes
Anna-Maria Lampousi
Enheten för epidemiologi

Exposures through drinking water and risk of chronic disease
Emilie Helte
Enheten för kardiovaskulär och nutritionsepidemiologi 

Exploring allergic and irritant contact dermatitis : biomarkers, mechanisms, and allergen uptake
Paulina Werner Nosrati
Enheten för systemtoxikologi

Health consequences of gender-based harassment at work 
Katrina Julia Blindow
Enheten för arbetsmedicin

Infections, antibiotics, tobacco, genetic factors and risk of lada : latent autoimmune diabetes in adults, and type 2 diabetes
Jessica Edstorp
Enheten för epidemiologi

The role of inflammatory cells in sarcoidosis and asthma
Mu Nie
Unit of Experimental Asthma and Allergy Research

Modifiable risk factors, blood proteins, and venous thromboembolism 
Shuai Yuan
Unit of cardiovascular and nutritional epidemiology

Congenital heart disease, genetic syndromes, and childhood cancer 
Christina-Evmorfia Kampitsi
Unit of Integrative Epidemiology


Studies on the molecular and functional properties of exosomes in the metastatic prostate cancer bone microenvironment 
Ioulia Vardaki
Enheten för toxikologi

T cell responses in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis : friends or foes? 
Solmaz Yazdani
Enheten för integrativ epidemiologi

Occupational exposure to particles in relation to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cardiovascular disease 
Karin Grahn
Enheten för arbetsmedicin

Persistent environmental pollutants and risk of cardiovascular disease 
Tessa Schillemans
Enheten för kardiovaskulär och nutritionsepidemiologi 

Environmental exposures and cardiac arrhythmias 
Marcus Dahlquist
Enheten för miljömedicinsk epidemiologi

Evaluating occupational health interventions : design, implementation, and effects
Emma Cedstrand
Enheten för arbetsmedicin


Psychological distress and breast cancer : a bidirectional link
Kejia Hu
Enheten för integrativ epidemiologi

Physical workload and exit from the labour market : epidemiological studies with a focus on employees with musculoskeletal disorders
Kathryn Badarin
Enheten för arbetsmedicin

Mental disorders as risk factors, comorbidities, and consequences of cancer 
Qianwei Liu
Enheten för integrativ epidemiologi

The effect of spinal manipulative therapy on heart rate variability and pain in patients with persistent or recurrent neck pain 
Anders Galaasen Bakken
Enheten för intervention och implementeringsforskning

Early-life metal exposure and child growth and development 
Annachiara Malin Igra
Enheten för metaller & hälsa

Exploring toxicity and fate of metal-based particles in the lung : from mechanistic screening to lung deposition modelling 
Sarah McCarrick
Enheten för biokemisk toxikologi

Physical workload in surgery : from risk assessments to interventions 
Xuelong Fan
Enheten för arbetsmedicin

Defining the role of mast cells in guinea pig models of asthma 
Jielu Liu
Enheten för experimentell astma och allergiforskning 

Immune mechanisms and potential immunological treatment in atherosclerosis 
Shailesh Kumar Samal
Enheten för immunologi och kronisk sjukdom

Toxic metals, essential micronutrients, gestational thyroid hormones, and size at birth 
Klara Gustin Mossegård
Enheten för metaller & hälsa

Premenstrual disorders : risk factors, comorbidities and health impact 
Qian Yang
Enheten för integrativ epidemiologi

DissolvIt : development and validation of a new in vitro dissolution apparatus for dry powder aerosols 
Maria Malmlöf
Enheten för integrativ toxikologi

Application of the benchmark dose-response modelling approach for risk characterization of chemicals 
Antero Vieira da Silva
Enheten för integrativ toxikologi

Socioeconomic factors and childhood cancer : survival and long-term consequences 
Hanna Mogensen
Enheten för epidemiologi

Biomedical factors in the risk and prognosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 
Jiangwei Sun
Enheten för integrativ epidemiologi

Precarious employment and occupational injuries in Sweden 
Bertina Kreshpaj
Enheten för arbetsmedicin

Trends in population health in an era of increasing longevity 
Anna C. Meyer
Enheten för epidemiologi

Profiling of microglia in inflammation, aging, and the tumor microenvironment 
Lara Friess
Enheten för toxikologi


Immunity and inflammation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis : an epidemiological approach 
Can Cui
Enheten för integrativ epidemiologi

Precarious employment in Sweden : methodological development and health associations
Johanna Jonsson
Enheten för arbetsmedicin

Silica particle-induced NLRP3 inflammasome activation and DNA damage in respiratory epithelium
Rongrong Wu
Enheten för biokemisk toxikologi

Environmental arsenic exposure in humans : toxicity and adaptation in the Bolivian Andes
Jessica De Loma Olson
Enheten för metaller & hälsa

Experimental studies of lipid mediator modulation of airway responsiveness 
Willem Abma
Enheten för experimentell astma- och allergiforskning

Risks and benefits of drinking water treatment : focusing on child health and prenatal development 
Melle Säve-Söderbergh
Enheten för kardiovaskulär och nutritionsepidemiologi 


Dietary carbohydrate quality and health : focus on low-grade systemic inflammation and cardiometabolic risk factors
Nor Adila Mhd Omar
Enheten för kardiovaskulär och nutritionsepidemiologi 

Urban greenness and related health effects 
Åsa Persson
Enheten för miljömedicinsk epidemiologi

Health effects of air pollution : innovative approaches for spatio-temporal evaluations
Massimo Stafoggia
Enheten för miljömedicinsk epidemiologi

Short and long-term regulation of autophagy
Patricia González-Rodríguez
Enheten för toxikologi

Genotoxic effects among Bolivian farmers exposed to mixtures of pesticides : population and in vitro based studies
Jessika Ximen Barrón Cuenca
Enheten för biokemisk toxikologi

Evaluation of biomarkers in chronic inflammatory diseases 
Zahra Golabkesh
Enheten för kardiovaskulär och nutritionsepidemiologi

Stress prevention at work : intervention effectiveness and implementation process evaluation
Bozana Arapovic-Johansson
Enheten för intervention och implementeringsforskning

Deep tissue massage therapy and/or strengthening and stretching exercises for disabling subacute or chronic neck pain. A randomized controlled trial 
Oscar Javier Pico Espinosa
Enheten för intervention och implementeringsforskning


Health effects of road traffic noise in childhood and adolescence
Alva Käte Enoksson Wallas
Enheten för miljömedicinsk epidemiologi

Ergonomic risk assessment and intervention through smart workwear systems 
Liyun Yang 
Enheten för arbetsmedicin

Exposure to air pollution in the work and residential environment during pregnancy and adverse birth effects 
Filip Norlén
Enheten för arbetsmedicin

Shoulder injuries in adolescent elite handball players 
Martin Asker
Enheten för intervention och implementeringsforskning

Topics on mathematical statistics for medical applications : summary measures and exact simulation of diffusions 
Celia García-Pareja
Enheten för biostatistik

Interplay between birthweight, family history, obesity, and genes in the development of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) and type 2 diabetes 
Rebecka Hjort
Enheten för epidemiologi

Airborne occupational exposures and risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis 
Anna Ilar  
Enheten för translationell epidemiologi

Molecular mechanisms of cell death and cell clearance  
Katharina Klöditz 
Enheten för molekylär toxikologi

Diet and the risk of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) : studies on the association with fish and sweetened beverages 
Josefin Edwall Löfvenborg 
Enheten för epidemiologi

Contact allergy in Swedish adolescents : results from the BAMSE cohort study 
Maria Lagrelius  
Enheten för miljömedicinsk epidemiologi

Occupational exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and early biomarkers related to cardiovascular disease and cancer 
Ayman Alhamdow  
Enheten för metaller & hälsa

Phospholipid related antigens and protective mechanisms : implications for cardiovascular diseases, human autoimmunity and inflammation 
Divya Thiagarajan 
Enheten för immunologi och kronisk sjukdom

Occupational exposure to chemicals and cancer 
Cecilia Videnros 
Enheten för arbetsmedicin

Novel immunologic cellular mechanisms in atherosclerosis and potential therapeutic implications
Mizanur Rahman
Unit of Immunology and Chronic Disease

Deciphering microglia plasticity in glioma
Dalel Saidi
Unit of Toxicology


Mitochondria targeting and its consequences for cell death in neuroblastoma
Kadri Valter
Unit of Toxicology

The impact of transcriptional mutagenesis on cellular homeostasis
Monika Ezerskyte
Unit of Biochemical Toxicology

Early-life selenium status and cognitive development
Helena Skröder Löveborn
Unit of Metals & Health

Cellular effects of nickel and nickel oxide nanoparticles : focus on mechanisms related to carcinogenicity
Emma Åkerlund
Unit of Biochemical Toxicology

Innate immune airway responses after exposure to ultrafine and ambient particles : in vivo and in vitro models
Anna Steneholm
Unit of Work Environment Toxicology

Quantification of inflammatory mediators to explore molecular mechanisms and sub-phenotypes of asthma
Johan Kolmert
Unit of Experimental Asthma and Allergy Research

Evidence by interaction : a new role of caspase-2
Jeremy Forsberg
Unit of Toxicology

Occupational skin exposure to cobalt : origin and fate
Jolinde Kettelarij
Enheten för arbetsmiljötoxikologi

Development of multi-cellular human lung models to study inflammatory mechanisms and cell-cell interactions 
Jie Ji
Enheten för arbetsmiljötoxikologi

Characterizing chemical exposure : focus on children's environment 
Kristin Larsson
Enheten för biokemisk toxikologi

Use of novel statistical methods in assessing particulate air pollution and evaluating its association with mortality in China 
Xin Fang
Enheten för biostatistik

Long-term exposure to transportation noise in relation to metabolic and cardiovascular outcomes 
Andrei Pyko
Enheten för miljömedicinsk epidemiologi

Neutrophil extracellular traps : function in infectious and non-Infectious conditions 
Beatrice Lazzaretto
Enheten för molekylär toxikologi

Overweight in relation to allergic disease in childhood and adolescence 
Sandra Ekström
Enheten för miljömedicinsk epidemiologi

Mathematical programming for optimal probability weighting 
Michele Santacatterina
Enheten för biostatistik

Short-term exposure to ozone in relation to mortality and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest : exploring sensitive subgroups by previous hospitalizations 
Auriba Raza
Enheten för miljömedicinsk epidemiologi

Postmenopausal hormone therapy and cardiovascular risk
Germán D. Carrasquilla
Enheten för kardiovaskulär epidemiologi

Anna Persson