Researchers connected to the Post COVID Network
Read more about the researchers connected to our network.
Malin Nygren-Bonnier
Docent/Physcial TherapistResearch on rehabilitation, recovery, and care after COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 condition (ReCOV).
Magnus Sköld
Professor/Senior PhysicianArtur Fedorowski
Adjunct ProfessorPOTS and cardiovascular dysatunomia; autonom syncope.
Marcus Buggert
Assistant ProfessorPer Julin
Affiliated to ResearchMarika Möller
Adjunct Senior LecturerUnnur Valdimarsdottir
Principal ResearcherMary Barker
Postdoctoral ResearcherResearch on the mental health impact of COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 condition, within the COVIDMENT consortium.