Artur Fedorowski

Artur Fedorowski

Adjunct Professor
Visiting address: Norrbacka S1:02, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Solna, 17176 Stockholm
Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 Kardio Pernow J, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Name: Artur Fedorowski

    Born: 9th July 1965, Wroclaw, Poland

    Working place: Senior Consultant and Head of Syncope and Dysautonomia Unit

  • Dept. of Cardiology, Karolinska University Hospital, 176 71 Stockholm (Sweden)
  • Academic position: Professor, Dept. of Medicine, Solna, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.


  • Education:

    • 1984 - 1990 - Wrocław Medical University, Poland (MD, “Cum laude”)
    • 1995 - 1999 - Wroclaw Medical University, Poland: PhD studies
    • doctoral thesis (June 22, 1999): "Influence of Low - Frequency Electromagnetic Field on the Growth of Morris Hepatoma in Experimental Model in Rats" / in parallel, specialist training in internal medicine and cardiology.
    • 2001-2006 – Sweden specialist training in general medicine (2001-2003), and complementary training in internal medicine (2004-2005), and cardiology (2005-2006).
    • 2007 – 2012 – Dept. of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Malmö, Sweden
    • Post-Doc position in cardiovascular medicine.
    • 2013 - Associate Professor, Lund University
    • Cardiovascular Medicine
    • 2016 – Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology
    • 2023 – Full Professor of Cardiology
    • Karolinska Institute, Stockholm


  • Academic mentorship

    • PhD students: 7 as main supervisor
    • 6 as co-supervisor (5 PhD projects as main supervisor completed).
    • Post-doc: 2 as main supervisor.



  • Professional experience

    • Specialist in cardiology, internal and general medicine
    • Senior consultant in cardiology since 2013 (Skåne University Hospital 2013-2021
    • Karolinska University Hospital 2021- now)
    • Member of the Task Force Group of European Society of Cardiology for Syncope Guidelines (2018)
    • Member of National Institute of Health (USA) Expert Group on Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (2019)
    • Member of European Heart Rhythm Association expert group on dysautonomia and cardioneuroablation (2023-2024).
    • Research areas: syncope, orthostatic hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction, hypertension, biomarkers, autoimmune cardiovascular diseases, genetics of cardiovascular disease, post-COVID syndrome.


  • Associate editor: Europace, Autonomic Neuroscience, Scientific Reports, Journal of Clinical Medicine

  • Frontiers in Neuroscience/ Physiology
  • Emergency and Internal Medicine.

    Reviewer: approx. 60 medical journals

  • Lancet, BMJ, Lancet Neurology, Nature Reviews Nephrology/Neurology, JACC, Circulation, European Heart Journal, Hypertension, American Journal of Physiology, Annals of Internal Medicine, JAMA Internal Medicine, Brain, Europace.



  • Our research is focused on cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction and various syncope mechanisms, including reflex syncope and autonomic failure. Two major forms of orthostatic intolerance: orthostatic hypotension and POTS, a source of frustration for doctors and their patients, are also in the centre of our scientific interest. Finally, we explore how cardiovascular and autonomic systems interact on cellular, organ and organism levels.


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