The Post COVID Network - Upcoming activities

Please check back for information about our upcoming activities.

Calendar deadline
Photo: GettyImages.

Upcoming activites spring 2025

Digital network meeting, March 26

Welcome to the first meeting for the Post COVID Network!
The meeting will include an introduction round and information about the purpose of the network and the activities it will offer, as well as a discussion about any requests or suggestions.

Wednesday March 26, at 16.00 - 17.00
Join us on Zoom:

Meeting-ID: 640 9259 5219
Pass code: 880790

Workshop, June 11

Wednesday June 11 at 12.00 - 17.00
More information to follow.

Additional planned activities


Retreats with a general orientation for the entire network or with a specific orientation. 

Travelling funds for exchange or conferences

Funds can be used for national and international research exchange or collaboration with other networks. Also, for PhD-students or postdoc for funding for presentencing about PCC in conferences. Up to 5000 SEK for national activities, and up to 15 000 SEK for international activities. 

Project funds and start-up funds

Project funds and start-up funds sought in competition. Funds are used to support inter-institutional projects and innovations that have the potential to become a product. The requirement is that there must be at least two different departments involved in the project. External auditors are hired to counter fraud.

Seminar and workshops

We will hold seminar series and workshop  activities for the network, for clinics, companies and the public. 


We plan on distributing a newsletter, about 4 per year, to market and advertise our activities in the network.


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