Doktorandprojekt HK10 - HK21

Sammanfattning av doktorandprojekt 2021


Tanvir Ahamed  Facilitating lung cancer diagnosis; linking the experienced body and the biological body

Susanne Assander  Enabling older persons valued everyday life activities through reablement services and smart products

Nathalie Frisendah  lInjurious falls in older adults: identifying people at different levels of risk - from epidemiology to implementation research

Martin Färdig  Lung function and asthma in PrevenADALL (Prevention of Atopic Dermatitis and Allergy in children

Cecilia Haddad Ringborg  The role of the family involvement towards improved survivorship in patients with oesophageal cancer

Lisa Herulf Scholander  Clinical storytelling as tool tuning scientific evidence and lived experience with care for frail older persons

Therese Johansson  Death and dying in elder care - developing competency through action research

Patrik Karlsson  Effective mobilization and rehabilitation after abdominal surgery due to cancer, by wearable sensors, e-feedback and exercise - The AbdMoRe study

Siri Lilliesköld Immediate skin-to-skin contact between parents and very preterm infants after birth: Effects on parental experiences, breastfeeding, parent-infant interaction and physiological attunement

Marianna Moberg Implementation of a structured work procedure to prevent child overweight and obesity within student health care - focus on interaction between the school nurse and parents

Emelie Mälstam  Make my day - incorporating healthy actitivity patterns: A person-centered, digital prevention program to support health among persons at risk for stroke

Linn Rönne-Petersén  Att leva med långvarig smärta - studier med existentiell och molekylär ansats

Pernilla Sönnerfors  Evidence based training and physical activity with an e-health concept - a new method for people with chronic diseases to become more physical active

Andreas Wallin  Effects of a highly challenging balance training program (HiBalance) specific to multiple sclerosis - a randomized controlled study

Päivi Ventovaara  Moral distress and the ethical climate - A Nordic survey with healthcare professionals in paediatric care


Doctoral studentResearch project

Malin Ahrne  Antenatal Care for Somali women: intervention development, feasibility, sustainability and evaluation.

Carina Brandberg  Patient Activation in Transition to Home (PATH) – a patient-centered intervention study.

Marie-Therese Crafoord  Patient and health care values – A RCT study in patients with cancer evaluating a interactive ICT-platform for reporting symptoms distress during treatment

Malin Henriksson  Advance care planning in Sweden: structured conversations about values and preferences related to future end-of-life care

Hanna Johansson  Balance training for people with Parkinson's disease: clinical effectiveness, neuroplasticity and implementation

Sofie Possmark, former Johansson  Has a dissonance-based psychosocial intervention effects on obese women’s quality of life, eating behavior, physical activity and sedentary behavior of obese women after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery? Qualitative and quantitative studies

Sebastian Lindblom  The missing link – development and evaluation of person-centered transitions from the stroke unit to the home with continued rehabilitation in the home environment – a co-design project.

Caroline Mägi  Prevent  ADALL - prevention of atopic dermatitis and allergy in children

Marianne Palmgren  Shared spaces designed for person-centered care in nursing homes for older adults

Oscar Pico  Bothersome neck pain – course, effects, and cost-effectiveness of massage therapy and/or exercise therapy – a randomized controlled trial

Anna Svensson-Raskh  Early postoperative mobilization for patients who have undergone elective abdominal surgery.

Mirkka Söderman  Healthcare professional’s encounters with women with breast cancer regarding (return to) work issues: an intervention project

Arjan van der Star  Structural, interpersonal, and individual factors influencing sexual orientation-based disparities in mental

Johanna Wangmar  Screening for colorectal cancer – participant experiences in a cross-cultural perspective

Maria Ödling  Transition from paediatric to adult care, school performances, choice of profession and health related quality of life in relation to asthma


Doctoral studentResearch project

Anna Anåker  Stroke care units: evaluating the design quality and its impact on care, rehabilation, safety, patient's health and perception of the environment

Lisa Holmlund  Return to work: Integrating a participatory approach with a clinical trial to explore and test a person-centered retur nto work model (P-CRtWM) among young adults with spinal cord injury

Amanda Cleeve  Task sharing to improve post abortion care and contraceptive counselling at primary health care level-randomized control trial in Uganda

Maria Fjell  Effects of an interactive ICT-platform for early assessment and management of patient reported symptoms and problems in patients treated for breast cancer - a randomized controlled study

Mia Forslin  Maintaining, reducing or leaving remunerative employment: a study of work-related predictors and processes in people with multiple sclerosis, and development of a self-management program for cognitive support

Martha Gustavsson  Participation in everyday life after stroke – Developing and evaluating a global model for a person-centred ICT based intervention

Magnus Johansson  Internetbased treatment for alcohol problems and addiction

Helena Cleeve former Kjellgren  Space and Place in End-of-Life Care: Co-Designing Experience-Based Interventions

Elin Lindsäter  Who is the stressed patient and how can her health and functioning be improves?

Claire Micaux Obol  Life interrupted – interventions to alleviate impact of cancer on fertility and sexuality among adolescents and young adults

Elin Pettersson  Everyday and e-health technologies used by older persons with cognitive limitations: focus on prediction and ehealth intervention

Henrik Pettersson  Physical function, physical activity and exercise, and health-related quality of life in patients with systemic sclerosis

Elena Tseli  Nationwide evaluation of multimodal rehabilitation in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain: treatment effectiveness, prediction and best practices examples

Susanne Åhlund  MIMA- Prevention ofperineal injuries in childbirth among tirst-time mothers- Long-term consequences of Mldwives' MAnagement in seeond stage of labor

Annika Öst-Nilsson  Person centered rehabilitation for return to work after stroke


Doctoral student Research project

Malin Backman  Physical exercise during treatment for cancer - focus on adherence and optimal training

Emelie Butler Forslund  Falls in wheelchair users with spinal cord injury – incidence, risks and concerns

Josefine Eriksson-Naili  Functional evaluation in patients with hip and knee osteoarthritis. Consequences for patient and society?

Mari Hult 

Marie Kanstrup  More than pain : assessment and treatment of pain-related dysfunction in pediatric chronic pain

Pia Kvillemo  Coping and stress management training with special focus on women with breast cancer

Maria Lindberg Reinius  HIV-related stigma in the era of efficient treatment - conceptualization, measurement and relations to health-related quality of Life

Elin Lööf  Functional evaluation and health related quality of life in children with idiopathic clubfoot

Håkan Nero  Physical activity in Parkinson’s disease : measurement, correlates and effects of balance training

Jenny Nilsson  The risk of infertility after childhood cancer - concerns and information

Åsa Norman  Parental support to promote children's dietary and physical activity behaviours in disadvantaged settings

Ulrika Rehnström Loi  Post-abortion care and contraceptive councelling by midwifes or physisician - facility based studies in Western Kenya

Annelie Rosén  Placebo effects in health and disease : how expectations shape treatment outcomes

Charlotta Ryd  Technology use among older adults with and without cognitive impairment : exploring relations with daily life occupations and need of support

Lie Åslund  To help adolescents to better sleep


Doctoral student Research project

Ewa Andersson  Group based antenatal care - expectations, attitudes and experiences from parents´ and midwives´ perspective

Kerstin Belqaid former Pettersson  Taste and smell alterations in patients with lungcancer at different stages of assessment and treatment

Daniel Berglind  Maternal obesity surgery: effects in women, spouses and offspring

Sara Cederbom  Ability in everyday activities and morale among older women with chronic musculoskeletal pain living alone : a behavioural medicine approach in physiotherapy

Ingrid Claesson  Better balance with somatosensory exercises : a Parkinson perspective

Charlotte Chruzander  A 10-year follow-up of people with multiple sclerosis-aspects of disability and health, use of and satisfaction with care, and feasibility of cognitive behavioural therapy

Linda Ek  Hand Assessment for Infants -Development, internal scale validity, reliability and tentative age norms

Charlotte Elvander  Epidemiological studies of vacuum extraction delivery : incidence, risk factors and subsequent childbearing

Alexandra Halvarsson  Fall-related concerns, balance and gait in older adults with osteoporosis

Marie Halvorsen  Pain related aspects of neck muscle performance, functioning and psychosocial factors in individuals with cervical radiculopathy

Annicka Hedman  Technology use in everyday activities among older adults with mild cognitive impairment : a study of changes over time and views on technology as support

Anna Jervaeus  Being young with a cancer experience : health-related quality of life with special focus on independence and sexuality

Erica Johansson  Active lifestyle - an intervention program to prevent falls

Oona Lassenius  Being physically active : a bodily anchorage on the journey for recovery in mental ill-health

Ninoa Malki  Risk, prognosis and prevention of cardiovascular disease in Sweden with focus on social class

Birgitta Nordgren  Health-enhancing physical activity in rheumatoid arthritis : prevalence, intervention and assessment

Susanna Nordin  The quality of the physical environment and its association with activities and well-being among older people in residential care facilities

Lina Palmlöf  Neck pain : factors of importance for the risk and prognosis

Maria Ranner  Evaluation and experiences of a client-centred ADL intervention after stroke

Lise-Lott Rydström  Health-related quality of life and HIV-related stigma in children living with HIV in Sweden

Linda Sandberg  Older persons living at home with cognitive impairments. A focus on risks and support

Lisa Smeds  Practice-based evidence for evidence-based practice: Factors in the RN work environment related to safe and high quality care

Anna Westerlund  Epidemiological perspectives on sleep: health-related outcomes and subjective-objective sleep assessments

Katharina Zetterström  Disability pension among patients undergoing coronary revascularisation

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