Study nutrition science and eHealth

Are you interested in studying nutrition, nutrition science or eHealth intervention design? The IMPACT group is involved in educational activities at both bachelor, masters and doctoral level. Explore the links below to read more about the programmes and courses that we offer.

First- and second level education in nutrition

Looking for a BCs or MSc or project? PhD exchange? Postdoc?

Students in nutrition or similar programs who are interested in our research are welcome to contact Maria Henström (Bachelor students), Christine Delisle Nyström (Master students) or Marie Löf (PhD students and international postdocs). Please include your CV and letter of interest. 

Doctoral courses arranged by IMPACT group members

If you are a PhD student (or postdoc) and interested in eHealth interventions you are welcome to apply to these new doctoral courses:

  • "Methods for design and formative evaluation of eHealth interventions", 3 credits (#5301: course syllabus)
    Course leader: Maria Henström. Examiner and teacher: Prof Sabine Koch 
  • "Digital lifestyle interventions- from idea to implementation", 3 credits
    Course leader: Marie Löf. More info will come soon. 

Free-standing courses at MedH

MedH also arrange free-standing courses within the field of nutrition. at the moment we offer one course: