Research collaborations with the IMPACT group

The IMPACT group is part of several national and international research collaborations and networks. We are also part of the Centre for Nutrition at KI, and the KI eHealth Core Facility.

Laptop, ihpone, stethoscope, fruits - eHealth
Photo: Maria Henström

Collaboration and networks in Sweden

Generation Pep

The IMPACT group collaborated with Generation Pep. See our collaborative projects 'The Generation Pep report' and 'SagaStories in Health talk'. More information on our collaboration will come soon.

Child and maternal healthcare

To be able to develop effective, feasible and suitable interventions it is crucial to have a close communication with the actual end-users and facilitators. In our projects we often work together with child healthcare and maternity care, for instance in the projects MINISTOP, HealthyMoms, SPARK, Saga Stories in health talk. See more on our research project page

International collaborations


The Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance (AHKGA) is a network of researchers, health professionals, and stakeholders who are working together to increase physical activity in children and youth from around the world. The AHKGA network has produced global summits on data on physical activity in children and youth in 2014, 2016, 2018, and the next one will be released in October 2022. The network has grown from 15 countries in 2014 to 60 countries in 2022.

The Swedish working group is led by Marie Löf (country leader) and Christine Delisle Nyström (co-leader). The Swedish steering group also includes: Christel Larsson, Gothenburg University; Anna-Karin Lindqvist, Luleå University of Technology; Anna-Karin Lindroos, Swedish National Food Agency; Ulf Eriksson, Stockholm Regional Council; Gisela Nyberg, Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (GIH) and Karolinska Institutet; Marita Friberg, The Public Health Agency; and Maria Hagströmer, Karolinska Institutet.


Active Healthy Kids, Sweden report card 2022, front page
Active Healthy Kids, Sweden report card 2022

The global summits have been important for policymakers, researchers, and various stakeholders to identify and assess problem areas as well as intervene in appropriate ways. The Active Healthy Kids Swedish working group was established in 2015 (led by Marie Löf) and reviews and compiles the most recent available literature for Swedish children and youth, and assign grades to 11 indicators with the AHKGA global summits:

  • Overall physical activity
  • Organized sport and physical activity
  • Active play
  • Active transportation
  • Sedentary behaviour
  • Physical fitness
  • Family and peers
  • School
  • Community and environment
  • Government
  • Diet

Read the Active Healthy Kids Swedish report card 2022



The International Study of Movement Behaviours in the Early Years (the SUNRISE study) is a large international collaboration project led by the University of Wollongong, Australia, and now includes 43 low, middle, and high income countries. The overall aim of this study is to monitor to the new WHO Guidelines for physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep for children under 5 years of age. The Swedish pilot study was completed in 2019 (n = 100) and data for the main study was initiated in February 2020, where we are aiming to recruit 1000 Swedish pre-schoolers aged 3-5 years. Contact persons: Christine Delisle Nyström (assistant professor) and Ellinor Nilsson (PhD student).


Collaboration with researchers at the Deakin University, Australia, who have developed the Infant Feeding, Activity and Nutrition Trial (INFANT) program.
Read more on our project page. Contact person: Christine Delisle Nyström.  


Collaboration with the University of Newcastle and the Mid North Local Health District, New South Wales, Australia, and the researchers behind The Parents In Child Nutrition Informing Community (PICNIC). This program uses peer-education and social media to educate and support Australian parents and their peers in child feeding through the first years of parenthood. In 2023-2024 we ran a pilot study ("PICNIC Sweden") to test the PICNIC peer-education program in Sweden. A total of 47 parents engaged in the intervention and contributed with feedback. Results are currently being analysed and will be submitted for publication in the autumn 2024. Overall, parents were very positive and reported that they felt more confident in child feeding after their participation in "PICNIC Sweden".
Contact person: Maria Henström. 


EU funded projects

Our group has a wide collaborative network developed through our past and present collaboration in EU funded Research projects. For more information see:   


Centres and core facilities

Profile pictures of the group leader in the Centre for Nutrition
Research groups at the Centre for Nutrition; Christian Riedel, Marie Löf, and Federico Pietrocola

Centre for nutrition

The IMPACT group is part of the new Centre for Nutrition at KI, based in Flemingsberg. The Centre is lead by Professor Marie Löf with co-leaders Dr Christian Riedel and Dr Federico Pietrocola.

KI eHealth Core Facility

Together with Brjánn Ljótsson (CNS, core facility leader) and Sabine Koch (LIME, co-leader), Marie Löf (co-leader) runs the eHealth Core Facility at KI. This was initiated to gather expertise in the field of eHealth, and to provide support to other researchers who wish to conceptualize, develop, test or implement an eHealth tool or intervention. Through the BASS platform the eHealth Core Facility can also provide support for delivering guided self-help interventions and collect self-assessment data on multiple timepoints. Visit the eHealth Core Facility website to find out more.

Are you interested in collaborating with us?

Feel free to contact the members of the IMPACT group

Content reviewer:
Sara Bruce