Seminars at the Division of Insurance Medicine
REWHARD conference 9-10 September 2024
Using Swedish survey and register data in research on social relations, work and health across the life course
Lunch to lunch conference 9-10 September in Stockholm
The conference focused on two themes, with both internal and invited speakers:
- Work environment, income and sick leave for women and men: Development in different occupations
- Working with register data from Statistics Sweden (SCB)
Stockholm Insurance Medicine Lecture
Professor Mika Kivimäki and Professor Marianna Virtanen have given lectures on 9 November 2021.
You will find more information here
Inaugural symposium of the Amsterdam Satellite of Cochrane Work
The symposium took place on Friday 6 September 2019 at Academic Medical Center, Vrijzaal
You will find the program here
Stockholm Insurance Medicine Lectures
The Division of Insurance Medicine has started with a new series of lectures called Stockholm Insurance Medicine Lectures.
Professor Ute Bültmann, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, gave a lecture on the topic: "Young adults, mental health and work" on 3 October 2019.
You will find more information here
Seminar on Chronic Diseases
This seminar was held on 28 April 2015
Title: Priority actions for the prevention and management of chronic diseases: national and international perspectives
Presenter: Dr Iveta Nagyova
Senior Research Leader | Acting Head of the Department
President of the EUPHA section on Chronic Diseases
Here you can read the presentation
The Nordic conference on Registry Epidemiology in Iceland 15-16 June 2011
The conference was organized within the project Sharing Registry Data for Health Research in the Nordic Countries.
The theme of the conference was: "Nordic Population-based Registries: Strengths and opportunities for collaborative research and co-ordinated infrastructure”.
You will find more information in documents below:
Appendix 1: The Nordic conference on Registry Epidemiology in Iceland 15-16 June 2011
Appendix 2: Examples of Nordic collaborations: benefits and challenges
Appendix 3: Open letter to European Decision Makers