Books and book chapters

You will find the books and books chapters we have published in Swedish on the Swedish website.


Fehr F, Alexanderson K, Favaretti C, de Jong J, La Torre G, Lim T, Martin-Olmedo P, Mekel O, Michelsen K, Rosenkötter N, Verschuuren M, de Waure C, Zeegers Paget D. Relating Population Health Monitoring to other Types of Health Assessments. In: Verschuuren M, von Oers H (Eds.): Population Health Monitoring – Climbing the Information Pyramid. Springer International Publishing; 2019. p.175-196.


Backhans M C, Burström B, Marklund S. Gender policy and policy regimes in 22 OECD countries, 1979-2008. In: Navarro V & Mutaner C (eds). The financial and economic crises and their impact on health and social well-being. Amityville, NY, USA: Baywook Publishing Company; 2014. p. 362-390.

Bränström R, Duncan L. Mindfulness and Balanced Positive Emotion. In: Positive Emotion: Integrating the Light Sides and Dark Sides. USA: Oxford University Press; 2014. p. 496-514.

Gonäs L, Larsson P. Employment regimes and personnel work in Sweden. In: The Development of Human Resource Management Across Nations. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd; 2014. p. 410-436.


Bränström R. Effect of Mindfulness-based Interventions in Cancer Care. In: Evidence-based Non-pharmacological Therapies for Palliative Cancer Care. New York: Springer; 2013. p.175-192.


Marklund, S, Härenstam A. The Dynamic of Organizations and Healthy Work, Work Life in Transition, Nr 05/2010, Växjö.

Berntson E, Marklund S. The Dynamic of Organizations and Healthy Work. In: Marklund S, Härenstam A (red). Work Life in Transition, Nr 05/2010, Växjö.

Bolin M, Höckertin C, Marklund S. Organizational effects on working conditions and health. The Dynamic of Organizations and Healthy Work. In: Marklund S, Härenstam A (red). Work Life in Transition, Nr 05/2010, Växjö.

Marklund, S, Härenstam A. Introduction. The Dynamic of Organizations and Healthy Work. In: Marklund S, Härenstam A (red). Work Life in Transition, Nr 05/2010, Växjö.

Wikman A. Changes in power, influence and organization in Sweden. The Dynamic of Organizations and Healthy Work. In: Marklund S, Härenstam A (red). Work Life in Transition, Nr 05/2010, Växjö.


Mittendorfer-Rutz E, Schmidtke A. Chapter 20. Suicide attempts in Europe. In: Wasserman D, Wasserman C. (eds). The Oxford Textbook of Suicidology and Suicide Prevention: A Global Perspective. Oxford University Press; 2009. p. 123-126.

Vaez M, Laflamme L, Voss M. Student Quality of Life in Higher Education – A Transition. In: Preedy, Victor R.; Watson, Ronald R. (eds.) Handbook of Disease Burdens and Quality of Life Measures. Springer; 2009.


Alexanderson K. Sickness absence and the promotion of public health: cooperation between different actors regarding promotion of return to work of sickness absentees. In: Noack H, Kahr-Gottlieb D (eds). Promoting the Public’s Health. EUPHA 2005, Conference Book. Gamburg: Health Promotion Publications; 2006. p. 128-131.

Gonäs L. Gendered divisions of work - A multilevel approach. In: Gonäs L, Karlsson J. Gender Segregation. Divisions of Work in Post-Industrial Welfare States. London: Ashgate; 2006. p. 29-45.

Gonäs L, Karlsson J. Divisions of Gender and Work. I: Gonäs L, Karlsson J. Gender Segregation. Divisions of Work in Post-Industrial Welfare States. London: Ashgate; 2006. p. 1-12.

Gonäs L, Karlsson J. Ch. Dualities and Contradictions. I: Gonäs L, Karlsson J. Gender Segregation. Divisions of Work in Post-Industrial Welfare States. London: Ashgate; 2006. p.163-169.


Alexanderson K. Research on sickness absence and disability pension. In: Tellnes G (ed). Urbanization and Health. New challenges to health promotion and prevention. Oslo: Unipub förlag; 2005. p. 306-15.

Alexanderson K. Sickness absence and the promotion of public health: cooperation between different actors regarding promotion of return to work of sickness absentees. In: Noack H, Kahr-Gottlieb D (eds). Promoting the Public’s Health. EUPHA 2005, Conference Book. Gamburg,: Health Promotion Publications; 2006. p. 128-131.


Alexanderson K, Norlund A. The Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care: Aim, background, key concepts regulations and current statistics. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 2004;32(63):12-30.

Alexanderson K, Norlund A. The Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care. Future need for research. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 2004;32(63):256-258.

Alexanderson K, Norlund A. Methods used for the systematic literature search and for the review of relevance, quality, and evidence of studies. The Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 2004;32(63):31-35.

Alexanderson K, Norlund A. Preface: Evidence based medicine and the Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 2004;32(63):3-4.

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