Road traffic injury prevention
The research within road traffic injury prevention is led by professor Anders Kullgren, who is affiliated to the Karolinska Institutet. Anders Kullgren is also Head of the Road Traffic Safety Research Department at Folksam Insurance Company.
Road traffic injury prevention
As fatalities from road traffic accidents decrease, focus on long-term medical consequences following crashes becomes more essential. The knowledge about injury prevention regarding long-term medical consequences is limited. By analyzing insurance data from Folksam as well as Swedish nationwide register data we are able to map parameters influencing the risk to be injured in road traffic accidents and the risk of long-term medical consequences after a crash. The overall objective of the research is to study road crashes using a system approach to identify system weaknesses as well as important factors that need to be addressed to further develop a safe road transport system in line with Vision Zero.
Our multidisciplinary research team provides expertise within road traffic safety, injury prevention, risk factors for sickness absence and permanent medical impairment, consequences of being sickness absent and factors affecting return to work.
- Sickness Absence, Disability Pension, and Permanent Medical Impairment after a Car Crash
- Bicycle crashes; characteristics, type of injury and sickness absence.
You can read more about our projects here