Other projects

We also conduct other projects that do not focus on sickness absence. Some of them are listed below.

Public Health Innovation and Research in Europe, PHIRE

The project "Public Health Innovation and Research in Europe" (PHIRE), run by EUPHA (European Public Health Association) aimed at investigating how and to what EU groups, organizations, and authorities research results have been spread from eight different EU financed public health projects. The aim was also to study if and how results from the projects have lead to interventions in these countries. The Division of Insurance Medicine coordinated one of the work packages in this EU financed project. The project was run from 2010 to 2013.

More information and reports from the project

Contact: Professor Kristina Alexanderson

Sharing Registry Data for Health Research in the Nordic Countries

The project has been a collaboration between representatives of the Nordic countries commissioned and partly financed by Nord Forsk. The purpose has been to investigate ways to facilitate researcher access to Nordic data resources for joint project within epidemiology and health research.
The report proposes that Nord Forsk takes the initiative to set up a node/contact point in each country which takes care of practical, organizational, and legal support to researchers wanting to use pooled data from the Nordic countries and/or set up Nordic collaborations. The node can also be active in strategic undertakings, such as preparing joint Nordic actions in terms of upcoming European and other legislation for data protection. The final report along with Appendices is available on this site for download.

Gender and work

There are large gender differences in sickness absence and disability pension. We conduct several studies about this and recently published ten reports in Swedish about such gender differences.


SIMSAM INFRA is a planning project which has as its goal to

  1. coordinate and make visible the infrastructural aspects of the SIMSAM collaboration with respect to data and methodological support
  2. develop a plan for the coordination of existing infrastructures for the purpose of register based research
  3. work for Nordic coordination of infrastructure for personal data in research
  4. develop an information system over existing resources, organizations, and actors than can be updated regularly.

You will find more information here

Contact: Projectleader Magnus Stenbeck

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