Research at CNS
The Department of Clinical neuroscience comprises about 70 research groups within a broad field - from the molecular level to the societal level, within several disciplines and employing a range of methods.
Many of these research groups are closely interactive with patients, predominantly at Karolinska University hospital, St. Görans hospital and St. Eriks Eye hospital.

Centre for Imaging Research - CIR
CIR is a joint venture of Karolinska University Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, and Region Stockholm, providing state-of-the-art imaging of all organs and systems in vivo, in humans and various animal models. The centre gathers a unique set of core facilities for structural, functional, and metabolic imaging, with a special focus on translational brain imaging. CIR serves academic, clinical, and industrial users with imaging facilities and services of the highest standard.

The MR center
The MR Center is a core facility that handles the Magnetic Resonance research capacity at the Neuroradiology Clinic. It is equipped with a 3 Tesla GE SIGNA Premier, owned by Karolinska Institutet thanks to a generous donation from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation in 2010.

NatMEG Core Facility
The Swedish National Core Facility for Magnetoencephalography (NatMEG) is a national infrastructure, available for researchers from all across Sweden. It is the first and only core facility in Sweden for whole-head measurements of neuronal brain activity using magnetoencephalography (MEG).
Osher Center for Integrative Medicine - OCIM
Integrative medicine aims to promote health and to counteract disease through the development and integration of evidence-based knowledge from different disciplines and traditions to complement established medicine. Rigorous scientific methods are applied to evaluate mechanisms, treatment effects, efficiency, and use in society.