Physicians' sickness certification practice

Physicians have an essential role in the sickness absence process. We conduct different type of studies about how physicians can obtain, maintain and practice competence in insurance medicine.

Physicians' work with sickness certification

Physicians have a central role in the sickness-absence process and sick leave is a common recommendation in health care in Sweden. For many physicians, in different clinical settings, sickness certification is a common work task.
To get a more detailed knowledge base for management of such tasks, for teaching such competence, for interventions and to evaluate interventions we have conducted three large and comprehensive questionnaire surveys, one in 2004, one in 2008, and one in 2012.

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Physicians' experiences of problematic sick-listing cases

The aim of this project is to gain knowledge on factors involved in physicians in primary care and occupational health experiencing sick-listing cases as problematic, using a physician perspective. Analyses are based on problematic cases physicians have written about before joining a course in sickness insurance.

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Management within health care organizations

We do several studies on management of how sickness certification of patients is handled in health care organizations. So far, most of them are only published in Swedish.

Here you will find two publications in English:

von Knorring M, Sundberg L, Löfgren A, Alexanderson K. Problems in sickness certification of patients: a qualitative study on views of 26 physicians in Sweden. Scand J of Primary Health Care. 2008;26:22-8.

von Knorring M, de Rijk A, Alexanderson K. Managers perceptions of the manager role in relation to physicians: a qualitative interview study of the top managers in Swedish healthcare. BMC Health Services Research. 2010,10:271.

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