Upcoming Events at LCI

Open house at LCI core facility on 24th of September, 2024

The Live Cell Imaging core facility is happy to invite you to a microscopy event on Tuesday, 24th of September




Open house: Come and ask questions about microscopes at our facility! Drop in. 


A fast, camera based multipoint confocal with a large field of view                        


This compact benchtop microscope can run preconfigured and optimized turnkey experimental assays such as apoptosis, mitochondrial toxicity, cytotoxicity, intensity measurements and much more. AI powered automated imaging and instant image analysis and summary report capabilities.


  • Coffee               


A fast super-resolution system that offers double the resolution of a confocal microscope (down to 120nm resolution), even in thick samples. Flexible and can be used with any objectives, even low magnification air objectives.

11.45- 12.15      

This systems is a fast imaging system ideal for imaging large (> 500 um) transparent samples       

13.00- 17.00      

  • Private demonstration (bring your own sample) on ECLIPSE Ji and CrEST V3 DeepSIM.

Registering is mandatory for private demonstration. Register by sending an email to gabriela.imreh@ki.se latest on 20th Sept. Mention which instrument you would like to have the private demonstration on.

Venue: Flemingsberg Campus, Neo, Karolinska Institute, Blickagången 16, Floor 7.

Please call us so we can let you in. (Gabriela Imreh 0707480761; Sylvie Le Guyader: 0737335008; Jianjang Hu: 0729087375)


