
Below you can read about the services offered at the LCI core facility.

Training for researchers

  • During our initial discussion, you will receive invaluable advice on experimental and sample design. Together, we will decide which system is best suited for your project.
  • You will get a thorough one-to-one training with your own sample. Our aim is that, at the end of training, you have acquired a solid theoretical and practical knowledge of the machine, the software, the sample, the experimental design and the requirements for reliable and reproducible image analysis. 
  • After you have been trained, you will receive continuous support and guidance, refresher sessions if you have forgotten anything and new expert discussions when your project evolves.
  • You will receive professional help to build your image analysis pipeline.
  • If your lab has a microscope similar to ours, you are welcome to request a training to increase your expertise, even if you do not plan on using our equipment. 

Learning objectives for user training at LCI

Access to the equipment

Train-the-trainer program

  • Staff working at other core facilities are welcome to join our job-shadowing program. They will get the opportunity to follow our user training and discuss pedagogical methods to improve the design of their own end-user training.

Imaging by staff

  • If you do not want to be trained but need microscopy images, you are welcome to contact us for the "Imaging by staff" service . You will sit next to us and we will acquire the images you need. The fee for this service is here.


  • Regardless of whether you are an LCI member or not, you are always welcome to join the LCI yearly microscopy course, request consultation or imaging -by -staff service.
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