Sonication system
Sonicator Bioruptor Pico
Room no: U230 05 2100
Manufacturer: Diagenode. Responsible persons: Hao Shi, Sara Lööf, Conny Tümmler
Booking calendar: Clustermarket booking system
The sonicator consists of two units: a Bioruptor Cooler and a Sonicator with a water bath and a rotating system. The stands and inserts for 0,2- and 1,5-ml tubes and other accessories are located in the marked drawers. For optimal efficiency use tubes specific for Bioruptor instrument (see link below). The cooling to 4 degrees is absolutely necessary for sonication; it takes approximately 30 min to cool down after turning on. The distilled or deionised water water is added only to the Cooler and is distributed by the pumping system to the Sonicator unit, where the water level is kept automatically. The equipment is maintained by the responsible persons.
New users
This equipment is a core facility for Research Theme Cancer at BioClinicum and is accessible for authorized persons only. All users should have passed KI´s Laboratory safety introduction: and sent certificate to The new users should contact one of the responsible persons to book and receive a 15-min introduction to the functions and routines and a brief training for operating Bioruptor to become an authorized user.
General Work Rules
The defined rules and work procedures are introduced during the new user training and must be strictly followed. Do not use the Bioruptor without booking.
5 things you must not do:
- Never sonicate without water in the Cooler/Sonicator units
- Never add water in the Sonicator unit, only in the Cooler. Only distilled/deionised water should be used (not ultra-pure!)
- Never start sonication if the water in the Cooler is above 4 degrees
- Never sonicate longer than 30 min. Take a 15-min break between 30 min-sonications
- Never place anything but the loaded insert inside the Sonicator