Flow cytometry lab

Room nr: U220 06 4100
Responsible person: Weng-Onn Lui weng-onn.lui@ki.se
Booking calendar: iLab OnkPat https://karolinska.corefacilities.org/service_center/show_external/3714
General information:
FACS core facility currently has two instruments: NovoCyte 3000 and NovoCyte Quanteon. Both instruments are equipped with autosampler for tubes and plates. The configurations of the instruments are given below.
Novocyte 3000

Novocyte Quanteon 4025

New users. This lab is accessible only for authorized persons. New users need to contact the responsible person for the compulsory introductory course. You can request new user training through iLab “Request Services”. Authorization will be granted after that. New users are encouraged to join GRP_FACS_users to receive announcements and news and to connect to other users. To join the group, please contact weng-onn.lui@ki.se
User fee. The user fee is 300 SEK/h for the internal users and 350 SEK/h for external users. Maximal booking time is 4 h. For longer experiments, booking can be done between 6 p.m. – 9 a.m. and during the weekends (max 4 h of usage will be charged). The instruments can ONLY be used through booking in iLab, (schedule equipment). More information on how to register in iLab is found at: https://ki.se/en/onkpat/ilab-booking-and-billing-system
For work with clinical/patient material. The work with patient material is allowed in the facility only if a risk assessment has been done. If you need more information about the risk assessment for work with human material, contact the biosafety delegate for OnkPat: Paula Mannström, paula.mannstrom@ki.se. The material has to be fixed (formaldehyde, ethanol etc.) prior to the use of the equipment.