Microscope core facility

Room nr: U230 06 2100
Booking calendar: Clustermarket
Work procedures: There are defined rules and work procedures for starting the microscopes, operating them and using the software as well as finishing the work, all of which have to be strictly followed.
General information: The lab is a core facility for Theme Cancer. This lab is accessible for authorized persons to work with epifluorescence and light (bright field, phase contrast) microscopy. New users should contact one of the responsible persons to become an authorized user and to be added to the booking calendar.
Zeiss AxioImager M2
- for slides
- monochrome camera (IF)
Software functions
- image quantification
- deconvolution
Fluorescence filters: DAPI, GFP, Rhodamine, FITC, Texas Red, Alexa Fluor 568
Zeiss AxioObserver Z1 (inverted)
- for plates AND slides (change mounting frames yourself)
- monochrome camera (IF including far red).
- color camera (BF)
- LED illumination/Colibri 7
- optical sectioning/ApoTome
- phase contrast
Responsible persons:
Department of Oncology-Pathology