Histology services

Room nr: U230 06 4100
Responsible person: Anna Malmerfelt Anna.Malmerfelt@ki.se
Request service and Cryostat booking: iLab
Microscope and lab bench booking: Manually in the lab
General information:
The Histology core facility provides services such as histo-processing, paraffin embedding, paraffin sectioning, frozen sectioning and immuno-histochemistry.
There is room for self-service on the ventilated benches: deparaffinization, dehydration and coverslip mounting. Upon agreement, there is a lab bench available to use for immunohistochemistry work. A cryostat for frozen sectioning can be only used by the trained users and it is charged by the hour through iLab. There is a light microscope for slides’ viewing and capturing the images.
New users need to be introduced to the routines used in this facility before starting any work. For further information and a price list, please contact Anna Malmerfelt anna.malmerfelt@ki.se.
For Slide Scanning, use BioClinicum Core facility Histo Core