Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology
The activities at the Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC) are focused on research and teaching in the subjects of infection biology, cell and tumor biology and immunology. The department has 30 research groups, about 60 doctoral students and in total 263 employees.
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Researchers and research groups at MTC
All researchers and research groups at the Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology, in areas such as immunology, infection biology and cell tumor biology.

Top Publications
Current articles to which researchers at MTC have contributed and that have been published in top-ranked journals.

Postdocs at MTC
We encourage talented Post Docs with a passion for science to join us.

Interested in Doctoral Education at MTC?
MTC welcomes excellent and highly motivated postgraduate students interested in our research areas.
Available positions at the Department

For MTC staff (Staff portal)
News, calendar events and operating info for those who are employed at or affiliated with MTC.