Mechanism of B and T cell death during HIV infection- Francesca Chiodi Group

The work of our group aims at understanding the mechanisms of cell damage during HIV infection.

Several cell types are damaged during the infection, through the direct effect of the virus and through indirect mechanisms of damage. In fact B lymphocytes which are not the direct targets for the infection, are severely impaired in number and function during HIV infection. The mechanisms underlying such dysfunctions are poorly understood but other mechanisms in addition to direct virus replication account for deletion of immune cells including T and B cells.

We and other groups have shown that T and B cells from infected subjects are primed for apoptosis. The expression of Fas and FasL (pivotal molecules in the regulation of apoptosis) is increased, indicating that this receptor-ligand pair may play a crucial role for loss of immune cells. One crucial question is the characterization of the molecular pathway leading to up-regulation of Fas and FasL during HIV infection. The expression of these molecules is increased on B and T cells in blood from the early stages of infection, already at the time of primary infection.

We found that memory B cells are lost in infected patients, likely due to terminal differentiation of memory B cells to plasma cells. The effector function of B cells is also impaired during HIV infection in that we found a decline of antibodies to previously met antigens either during childhood or through vaccination. Also, a limited amount of neutralizing antibodies, aimed at controlling virus infection, is produced in HIV infected subjects who progress to AIDS.

We believe that the understanding of the mechanisms leading to cell damage during AIDS may be important to design future anti-HIV therapies and vaccines. Studies which we conduct on additional groups of immunocompromised patients may help to through light on the mechanism of T and B cell depletion during HIV infection.

Project Groups within the Francesca Chiodi

Maria Issagouliantis

Britta Wahren

Group members

Profile image

Francesca Chiodi

Professor, Senior
Profile image

Britta Wahren

Professor Emeritus/Emerita
Profile image

Maria Issagouliantis



Mailing address

Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology
Karolinska Institutet
SE–171 77 Stockholm

Visiting address

Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology
Solnavägen 9, floor 9, Quarter 9C



Former PhD students *=main supervisor

Eva Björling* (1993)

Astrid Samuelsson, MD* (1997)

Maria Di Stefano* (1997)

Farideh Sabri* (2000)

Angelo De Milito* (2002)

Anna Nilsson, MD (2004)

Ann Atlas, MD* (2006)

Liv Eidsmo, MD (2006)

Kehmia Titanji (2006)

Caroline Fluur* (2007)

Frida Mowafi (2007)

Thi Thanh Ha, MD* (2008)

Alberto Cagigi (2009)

Nancy Vivar, MD (2009)

Linh Dang* (2011)

Hong Thang, MD* (2011)

Stefano Sammicheli (2011)

Nicolas Ruffin* (2012)

Miriam Kiene (2013)

Hanna Ingelman-Sundberg, MD (2015)

Rebecka Lantto* (2016)

Aikaterini Nasi (2016)

Yonas Bekele* (2018

Shanbhu Ganeshappa Araloguppe (2019)

Caroline Rönnberg, MD (2019)

Previous group members

Irina Elovaara, MD, PhD

Roberta Marenzi, MD

Bence Rethi, PhD

Simone Pensieroso, PhD

M Krzyzowska, PhD

Sylvie Amu, PhD


Sven Grützmeier, Ander Karlsson and Bo Heideman

The Gay Men's Health Clinic, South Hospital, Stockholm and Ann Atlas. Department of Medicine at Solna, Infectious Disease Unit. Clinical collaborator on several studies These doctors scientists are colloborating with us on issues of immunological relevance for AIDS.

Julie Fox, King’s College London

Carolina Herrera, Imperial College London

Emily Webb, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK

Clive Gray, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Heather Jaspan, Seattle Children's Research Institute, Seattle and University of Cape Town


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Impact of chemokine C-C ligand 27, foreskin anatomy and sexually transmitted infections on HIV-1 target cell availability in adolescent South African males.
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Homing defects of B cells in HIV-1 infected children impair vaccination responses.
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Mechanisms regulating expansion of CD8+ T cells during HIV-1 infection.
Nasi A, Chiodi F
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T follicular helper cells and antibody response to Hepatitis B virus vaccine in HIV-1 infected children receiving ART.
Bekele Y, Yibeltal D, Bobosha K, Andargie T, Lemma M, Gebre M, et al
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IL-7 and CD4 T Follicular Helper Cells in HIV-1 Infection.
Chiodi F, Bekele Y, Lantto Graham R, Nasi A
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Dendritic Cell Response to HIV-1 Is Controlled by Differentiation Programs in the Cells and Strain-Specific Properties of the Virus.
Nasi A, Amu S, Göthlin M, Jansson M, Nagy N, Chiodi F, et al
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Impaired B cells survival upon production of inflammatory cytokines by HIV-1 exposed follicular dendritic cells.
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Pneumococcal vaccination of HIV-infected young adults is an important global priority.
Chiodi F
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Dysfunctional phenotypes of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells are comparable in patients initiating ART during early or chronic HIV-1 infection.
Amu S, Lantto Graham R, Bekele Y, Nasi A, Bengtsson C, Rethi B, et al
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Increased extrafollicular expression of the B-cell stimulatory molecule CD70 in HIV-1-infected individuals.
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Impaired Phenotype and Function of T Follicular Helper Cells in HIV-1-Infected Children Receiving ART.
Bekele Y, Amu S, Bobosha K, Lantto R, Nilsson A, Endale B, et al
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Frequency and phenotype of B cell subpopulations in young and aged HIV-1 infected patients receiving ART.
Amu S, Lavy-Shahaf G, Cagigi A, Hejdeman B, Nozza S, Lopalco L, et al
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B-cell responses after intranasal vaccination with the novel attenuated Bordetella pertussis vaccine strain BPZE1 in a randomized phase I clinical trial.
Jahnmatz M, Amu S, Ljungman M, Wehlin L, Chiodi F, Mielcarek N, et al
Vaccine 2014 Jun;32(27):3350-6

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Chiodi F, Kaufmann S
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Human immunodeficiency virus antibodies and the vaccine problem.
Chiodi F, Weiss R
J. Intern. Med. 2014 May;275(5):444-55

Toll-like receptor 3 signalling up-regulates expression of the HIV co-receptor G-protein coupled receptor 15 on human CD4+ T cells.
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Impairment of B-cell functions during HIV-1 infection.
Amu S, Ruffin N, Rethi B, Chiodi F
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Relation of activation-induced deaminase (AID) expression with antibody response to A(H1N1)pdm09 vaccination in HIV-1 infected patients.
Cagigi A, Pensieroso S, Ruffin N, Sammicheli S, Thorstensson R, Pan-Hammarström Q, et al
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B-cell subset alterations and correlated factors in HIV-1 infection.
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Concerted effect of lymphopenia, viraemia and T-cell activation on Fas expression of peripheral B cells in HIV-1-infected patients.
Rethi B, Sammicheli S, Amu S, Pensieroso S, Hejdeman B, Schepis D, et al
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The role of the alternative coreceptor GPR15 in SIV tropism for human cells.
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Reduction of HIV-1 load in semen during follow-up study of RV144 vaccine trial boosts interest for novel correlates of immune protection in genital mucosa.
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Immune activation and increased IL-21R expression are associated with the loss of memory B cells during HIV-1 infection.
Ruffin N, Lantto R, Pensieroso S, Sammicheli S, Hejdeman B, Rethi B, et al
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Soluble CD27 induces IgG production through activation of antigen-primed B cells.
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IL-7 modulates B cells survival and activation by inducing BAFF and CD70 expression in T cells.
Sammicheli S, Ruffin N, Lantto R, Vivar N, Chiodi F, Rethi B
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Short communication: phylogenetic characterization of HIV type 1 CRF01_AE V3 envelope sequences in pregnant women in Northern Vietnam.
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Towards a world free from HIV and AIDS?
Albert J, Chiodi F
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Survival and proliferation of CD28- T cells during HIV-1 infection relate to the amplitude of viral replication.
Vivar N, Ruffin N, Sammicheli S, Hejdeman B, Rethi B, Chiodi F
J. Infect. Dis. 2011 Jun;203(11):1658-67

The involvement of epithelial Fas in a human model of graft versus host disease.
Ruffin N, Ahmed S, Osorio L, Wang X, Jackson G, Collin M, et al
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Role of Fas/FasL in regulation of inflammation in vaginal tissue during HSV-2 infection.
Krzyzowska M, Shestakov A, Eriksson K, Chiodi F
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The involvement of epithelial Fas in a human model of graft versus host disease.
Ruffin N, Ahmed S, Osorio L, Wang X, Jackson G, Collin M, et al
Transplantation 2011 May;91(9):946-51

Measles outbreak in Africa--is there a link to the HIV-1 epidemic?
Nilsson A, Chiodi F
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New therapy to revert dysfunctional antibody responses during HIV-1 infection.
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The role of IL-1beta in reduced IL-7 production by stromal and epithelial cells: a model for impaired T-cell numbers in the gut during HIV-1 infection.
Thang P, Ruffin N, Brodin D, Rethi B, Cam P, Hien N, et al
J. Intern. Med. 2010 Aug;268(2):181-93

Dysfunctional B-cell responses during HIV-1 infection: implication for influenza vaccination and highly active antiretroviral therapy.
Cagigi A, Nilsson A, Pensieroso S, Chiodi F
Lancet Infect Dis 2010 Jul;10(7):499-503

The impact of active HIV-1 replication on the physiological age-related decline of immature-transitional B-cells in HIV-1 infected children.
Cagigi A, Palma P, Nilsson A, Di Cesare S, Pensieroso S, Kakoulidou M, et al
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Impact of gamma-chain cytokines on T cell homeostasis in HIV-1 infection: therapeutic implications.
Gougeon M, Chiodi F
J. Intern. Med. 2010 May;267(5):502-14

Content reviewer:
Sara Lidman