Research at the Division of Psychology

At the Division of Psychology, all research is conducted within one of the seventeen different research groups that are part of the organisation, each one with its own profile and orientation. To read more about a certain research group, click on the one you're interested in in the list below.
Here, you'll also find a list of the latest articles published by researchers at the Division of Psychology.

Agneta Herlitz' research group
Individual differences in cognition – What sex differences are there in cognitive abilities and how can they be explained? Is the risk of dementia influenced by the cogntive ability in childhood?

Andreas Olsson's research group
Emotion and social learning – How are fears acquired, modified, and transmitted between people? What brain mechanisms are involved and how do we optimize our decisions in a potentially dangerous environment?

Anna Dahlgrens research group
The research group conducts research on Working hours, Recovery and Safety in working life.

Arvid Guterstam’s research group
How do we understand the thoughts, feelings, and intentions of other people? What mechanisms in the brain underlie this ability? How do these processes function in autistic individuals?

Ata Ghaderi's research group
Clinical Psychology: Etiology, prevention, and treatment of eating disorders – What factors contribute to eating disorders, and which are the most effective strategies for preventing eating disorders, anxiety and depression?

Brjánn Ljótsson's research group
Psychological treatment: exposure and internet – Can people with abdominal pain or self-harming people learn coping strategies for this? Can they get help through internet administered cognitive behavioral therapy?

Bo Melin's research group
Cognitive epidemiology – What causal relationships are there between cognitive and emotional skills in relation to health and social status? How are these skills relating to social mobility?

Erik Hedman's research group
Treatment of anxiety and functional disorders – What is health anxiety and hur can it an effective way be treated by exposure therapy? What are the active mechanisms surrounding treatment of anxiety?

Janina Seubert’s research group
The group investigates the perceptual experiences associated with eating.

Johan Lundström's research group
Integration of the senses – How does the human brain perceive, process and interpret sensory input originating from several different senses, and what mechanisms are involved in this process?

John Axelsson's research group
Sleep, cognition and health – How are we affected by disturbed sleep and stress when it comes to for example cognitive abilities and health? How does the immune system affect our experiences? Does beauty sleep exist?

Lisa Thorell's research group
Cognitive processes and ADHD – How do different cognitive and emotional factors contribute to the development of ADHD during childhood? What treatments are effective for children with ADHD?

Mats Lekanders research group
What role do the brain and behavior play in the defense against infectious agents? How can health behaviors and psychological treatment affect subjective and objective health?

Mats J. Olsson's research group
Human olfaction – How are different odorants processed perceptually, cognitively, and emotionally? What can we discern solely with the help of our sense of smell?

Pia Enebrink's research group
Child and adolescent psychiatry – How can one most effectively help self-harming children and adolescents? Is it possible to prevent negative behavior through parent support?

Richard Bränströms research group
Health inequalities and minority stress – How can psychological theory and social epidemiology help us understand the increased health risks of stigmatized populations? What psychological and social factors can explain lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals’ disproportionate experiences with poor mental health?

Rikard Wicksell’s research group
We conduct translational research focused on behavioural health, with the mission to improve and maintain health through effective and accessible behavioural interventions.