Seminars in which employees at the division participatedNavigate on the pageSeminars in which employees at the division participatedSeminars at the Senioruniversitet SDG lecture series Other seminarsSeminars at the Senioruniversitet The role of the brain in the total defense against disease, Mats Lekander The unique role of the nose and its neural system, Johan Lundström Our social brain under threat, Andreas Olsson Perception, how can the brain experience its surroundings, Mats J Olsson Gender differences in memory and thinking, Agneta Herlitz Sleep and circadian rhythm, John AxelssonSDG lecture series Dr Cameron Brick, University of Amsterdam: Public opinion on climate change including in Sweden, social tipping points, and how to measure and think about pro-environmental behaviorDr Kristian Nielsen, University of Cambridge, Department of Psychology: Addressing climate change requires unprecedented societal transformations within a short time frameDr Lorena Fernandez De La Cruz, Department of Clinical neuroscience, KI: Equality issues at KI and in academia in generalDr Kate Pickett, University of York, Department of Health sciences: Health inequalitiesOther seminarsLecture att the Division by associate professor John Jamir Benzon R. Aruta, De La Salle University, Manila: Climate Change and mental health nexus in the global south; perspectives and experiences in the Phillippines Skärmhälsa – Hur påverkar digitala medier vår hälsa och inlärning? Föreläsare: Professor Lisa Thorell, avdelningen för psykologi, KIHur mycket behöver vi sova? Föreläsare: Torbjörn Åkerstedt, professor i psykologi, Karolinska institutet och Stockholms universitet