Sickness absence in different life situations

We conduct several projects regarding sickness absence and disability pension in different life situations, such as among young adults, in relation to migration, among people in paid work after age 65, and in relation to child birth.

Sickness absence among those in paid work after age 65

There is very little knowledge about what the ageing workforce will mean for sickness absence. The aim of the project is to gain knowledge on paid work and sickness absence after age 65, related to sex, morbidity, sociodemographics, socioeconomics, and psychosocial working environment. The project is an extension of a completed project within the division, which showed that despite an increase of paid work after age 65, sickness absence rates did not increase. The current project both updates the results of the previous project, as well as extends the analysis methods to include prospective cohort studies where the same individuals are followed regarding their sickness absence both before and after they turn 65. We also study to what extent those with disability pension or long sickness absence before the age of 65 continue in paid work after age 65, especially related to difference between sickness absence/disability pension in mental and somatic diagnoses.

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Trends in Associations Between Sickness Absence Before the Age of 65 and Being in Paid Work After the Age of 65: Prospective Study of Three Total Population Cohorts

Associations of sickness absence and disability pension due to mental and somatic diagnoses when aged 60-64 with paid work after the standard retirement age; a prospective population-based cohort study in Sweden

Associations between combinations of job demands and job control among 616,818 people aged 55-64 in paid work with their labour market status 11 years later: a prospective cohort study.

Sick leave among people in paid work after age 65: A Swedish population-based study covering 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010

Sick leave before and after the age of 65 in 2000 and 2005: A Swedish register-based cohort study

Sickness absence in relation to giving birth

We have completed two different research projects on sickness absence and disability pension in relation to giving birth or not. The first one was based on twin sisters born in Sweden, the other one on all women of fertile ages living in Sweden. Nine articles in international scientific journals and one Swedish report have so far been published. In all the studies, longitudinal cohort studies were conducted, based on microdata linked from different nationwide registers. In summary, women who did not give birth had more sickness absence/disability pension days/year than those who gave birth once, and those who gave birth more than once during the follow-ups had lowest mean numbers of sickness absence/disability pension days/year.

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