The Live Cell Imaging Core Facility

The LCI Core Facility is a light microscopy facility on the Karolinska Institutet south campus (Flemingsberg). We offer state-of-the-art microscopes and training to image cells and tissues, live or fixed, BSL1/BSL2. We welcome researchers from all universities and companies.

Photo: Gabriela Imreh
HeLa cells stained for actin, microtubules, mitochodria and cell nucleus and imaged with DeepSIM Photo: Gabriela Imreh
Colourful steps Photo: sarabr2

Facts about our core facility

Location: NEO building, Blickagången 16, floor 7, rooms 7632/7840, Karolinska Institutet, Campus Flemingsberg

Director: Staffan Strömblad

Key words: cell imaging, microscopy, 

Department: Department of Biosciences and Nutrition

Funding: KI infrastructure council, user fees