Do you want to become a patient of a student?
The Department of Dental Medicine trains future dentists and dental hygienists. Students receive their clinical training with us at Universitetstandvården (University Dental Clinic). Here we can offer dental care at lower prices. All treatment carried out by students in the adult dental clinics takes place under the close supervision of teachers. All teachers are either general or specialist dentists.

Lower prices – and you contribute to research
Here we can offer dental care at lower prices. All treatment at the students is charged according to studenttaxa (the student tariff in Swedish).
No ordinary dentist's office
To be enrolled with one of our students, you must have a need for care that is suitable for treatment by a student. The interval for enrollment is two years. Another thing that distinguishes our clinic from a regular dental clinic is that you will be discharged when you have finished treatment.
Conditions for treatment of students
In order for students to get the best possible conditions, the following conditions apply:
- You should be able to come for treatment about 1-2 times/week, and be prepared to stay for 2-3 hours each time. You must also be able to adapt your visits to the students' duty schedule at the clinic, which can be both in the morning and afternoon.
- You agree that your medical records and X-rays can be used for educational purposes.
- You can speak Swedish or English fluently, without an interpreter.
- Please note that children are not allowed in klinikerna för vuxentandvård (the adult dental clinics).
In the best interest of you and the students, we cannot treat
- patients with known blood infection or MRSA
- patients with large, complicated prosthetic treatment needs
- patients with extensive fixed prosthetics already in place
- patients on biphosphonates (medicine for osteoporosis)
Bring your medication list to your first visit if you are unsure which medications you are taking.
Exchange students
We have many English-speaking exchange students who would like to see patients. Check the box if you want to be a patient of an exchange student.
Detailed information on becoming a patient with us
Before you can be enrolled with one of our students, one of our teachers will need to assess whether your treatment needs are suitable for educational dentistry. X-rays are usually needed in combination with an examination to make a full assessment. For this reason, we usually schedule an initial visit for dental X-rays. You will then be invited to our enrolment section at the Oral Diagnostics Clinic. In simpler cases, we can also make an assessment after reviewing the X-rays without a face-to-face visit. You will be notified by post.
If you are enrolled for treatment with a student, you will be put on our waiting list. The waiting time varies between 3 and 12 months depending on your treatment needs. In case of an emergency, we can treat you in our emergency room.
Cost and payment
All treatment carried out by students is charged at a special student rate. Klinikerna för vuxentandvård (the adult dental care clinics) are affiliated to the Försäkringskassan (Swedish Social Insurance Agency).
If you need specialist dental care, we can refer you to our Specialistkliniken (Specialist Clinic). Only specialist dentists and dentists in specialist training work there, and a higher rate applies based on the Swedish Social Insurance Agency's reference price list. The price list is available online and in the waiting room at the specialist clinic. Specialistkliniken is affiliated to the Social Insurance Agency.
Discharge from the clinic
You may be discharged from the clinic if you repeatedly fail to show up or return late. No-shows and late cancellations, i.e. less than 24 hours before your scheduled appointment, will be charged according to the region's guidelines. If a debt is not settled by the time of the charge, the treatment may be canceled and you may be dismissed from the clinic.
We provide a guarantee for our prosthetic procedures. This means that during the guarantee period, the restoration is free of charge, up to the amount paid.
- One year for dentures
- Two years for crowns/bridges
Declaration of interest
I declare on my word of honor that the information provided in this application is correct and true: