Treatments and prices at Lärarkliniken (Teacher Clinic)

The basic fee for an examination by a qualified dentist is SEK 1 080. The price then depends on the measures and treatments carried out. Talk to your practitioner and ask for a cost estimate in advance. Dental certificates apply here.

Our treatments

Examination and treatments

Photo: Storyboard Film & Television AB

During an examination, the dentist will check your teeth and mouth and also give you information on how to take good care of your oral health to prevent problems.

The dentist will check for cavities, gingivitis, periodontitis or other signs of oral disease. The examination also includes four X-rays that allow the dentist to detect any problems that cannot be seen with the naked eye. If you have any signs of disease or an increased risk of getting it in your mouth, the dentist will suggest several treatment options and then cost estimates.

Emergency dental clinic

If you have a toothache or other emergency, you can book an emergency appointment.

Prices in Swedish kronor

From 17 February 2025

Investigation measures - in Swedish

ÅtgärdBeskrivningReferensprisVårt pris
101Undersökning utförd av tandläkare, grundavgift1 0151 080
103Kompletterande eller akut undersökning, utförd av tandläkare440535
103-1Kompletterande eller akut undersökning, utförd av tandläkare, mer omfattande440785
107Omfattande kompletterande undersökning, utförd av tandläkare1 2601 220
107-1Omfattande kompletterande undersökning, utförd av tandläkare, mer tidskrävande1 2602 010
108Utredning utförd av tandläkare2 0602 810
111Undersökning utförd av tandhygienist, grundavgift790830
112Undersökning med fullständig parodontal undersökning, utförd av tandhygienist, grundavgift1 0301 085
113Akut eller annan undersökning, utförd av tandhygienist435495
114Fullständig parodontal undersökning eller fördjupad kariesutredning, utförd av tandhygienist630710

Full price list of Lärarkliniken – in Swedish

High cost protection and reference price

The high-cost cover in dental care works in such a way that you pay the full cost of a dental treatment up to SEK 3,000. For higher amounts, you receive a dental care allowance from the state. This is deducted directly when you pay.

The dental benefit is calculated on the basis of what is called a reference price, which is a fixed price for each treatment determined by the government.


  • Fixed prostheses 3 years guarantee
  • Removable dentures 1 year guarantee
  • Filling 1 year guarantee

The conditions for the guarantee to apply are, among other things, that the patient chooses the treatment and material recommended by the practitioner as first choice, that previous treatment has been paid for and that the patient follows the return visits and self-care routines suggested by Folktandvården.

Composite fillings, carried out on correct indications and without reservations, which within a two-year period require remodelling are replaced free of charge with a new filling. The guarantee applies only to a restoration and does not cover composite crowns.