Referring to and consulting with Universitetstandvården (University Dental Clinic)

At Universitetstandvården, we accept referrals from dentists, doctors and other healthcare providers and offer specialist dental care for children, adolescents and adults. If you need a referral, you can also contact us for advice. The student clinics do not accept referrals. As a referrer, you can refer patients to seek care from us yourself, by becoming a patient of a student.

Specialistkliniken (Specialist clinic)

At Specialistkliniken, we provide treatment in occlusal physiology, endodontics, oral surgery, orofacial medicine, periodontics and prosthodontics.

Referral to Specialistkliniken

Send the referral to

Universitetstandvården, Karolinska Institutet
Box 4064
141 04 Huddinge

We also accept referrals via Muntra. TakeCare and Libretto.

Complete information on the referral helps us to understand the patient's health care needs and to be able to direct patients correctly from the start. Therefore, we would be grateful if the referral contains not only the patient's name, address and phone number, but also X-ray images, preferably a hard copy or a USB stick.

We accept referrals for X-ray examinations digitally via Muntra, Take Care and Libretto but also by post.
3D image from examination with high-resolution computed tomography, ProMax 3D. CD with viewer or USB stick is attached to the referral response for such examination.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Phone: 08-524 883 30

Occlusal physiology

Specialistkliniken investigates and treats orofacial pain and jaw function in both children and adults. Examples of conditions investigated and treated are pain in the face, jaw joints and chewing muscles, tooth clenching and grinding, headaches, jaw joint inflammation, rheumatic diseases affecting the jaw system and sleep apnea.


We also examine and treat patients with diseases originating in the dental pulp and surrounding jawbone. We carry out consultations and assessments of endodontic conditions, pain assessments in cooperation with a multidisciplinary group of medical and dental specialists, orthograde conventional and retrograde/apical surgical endodontic treatment, as well as decontamination of infections prior to other medical treatments.

Jaw surgery

At present, we accept referrals for jaw surgery for wisdom teeth, infections, installation of implants or investigations of mucosal changes. We do not accept referrals for extensive surgical treatments.

Orofacial medicine and periodontology

We also welcome patients with questions about periodontal disease, oral mucosal changes, the need for dental implant treatment and tissue problems around implants.


The specialty of oral prosthodontics includes the diagnosis and treatment of cases with malformations or tissue loss in the jaw/facial region, where the treatment involves replacement of missing tissue with prostheses of various types, and the diagnosis and treatment of cases where rehabilitation is complicated for psychological and social reasons. This includes clinical aspects of the prosthetic materials and their effect on the oral tissues, changes in the jaws and oral cavity due to tooth loss, and chewing, phonetic, aesthetic and dietary problems in oral prosthetic reconstructions. The specialist clinic performs all types of prosthetic treatments, consultations and therapy planning. The implant systems we currently work with are Nobel Biocare, Dentsply Sirona Implants (Astra) and Straumann.

We who work here:

Head of the clinic

Joannis Grigoriadis, Prosthodontics

Specialist dentists

Anastasios Grigoriadis, prosthodontics
Gunnar Johanssen, Periodontology
Göran Gynther, oral surgeon
Karin Garming-Legert, orofacial medicine
Kåre Buhlin, periodontology
Malin Ernberg, occlusal physiology
Nikolaos Christidis, occlusal physiology
Patricia De Palma, periodontology
Peggy Näsman, prosthodontics
Sofia Louca, occlusal physiology
Sabrina Svedjevik


Dyana Jergis (resident dentist)
Elin Heller (resident dentist)
Emma Dybeck (resident dentist)
Evelina Wang (resident dentist)
Jacob Holmer (ST dentist)
Johanna Svedenlöf (ST dentist)
Marisol Barrera (Resident dentist)
Mizgin Bulduk
Qing Ye (Resident dentist)
Victor Tollemar (Resident dentist)

Dental hygienist

Ann-Charlotte Berggren

Dental technician

Maysam Jirjes

Dental nurse

Anna Marin
Annica Magnusson Lindholm
Britta Tjärnberg Halvarsson
Caroline Waernberg
Jeanette Sederqvist
Jennifer Sakeus

Dental Radiology clinic

The dental X-ray department performs X-ray examinations of children and adults for diseases in the dento-maxillo-facial area. The patients come on referral from university dental clinic, Huddinge Hospital and from external clinics.

The X-ray methods used include 2D intra-/extraoral X-ray and 3D volume tomography (CBCT). Our clinic is linked for image storage with medical radiology at Karolinska University Hospital in Huddinge, where, among other things, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be performed on relevant dental issues.

Examples of common examinations performed are examinations for implant treatment, tooth extraction, orthodontics, jaw joint treatment and surgical treatment of various pathological changes in the jaws.

Referral to the dental radiology clinic

Send the referral to

Odontologisk röntgen
Universitetstandvården, Karolinska Institutet
Box 4064
141 04 Huddinge

We also accept referrals via TakeCare and Libretto.

For you as a referrer, it is important that the referral contains a clear question and relevant anamnesis and status information. It is also important that previous X-ray material is attached. A printout of the X-ray results together with digital image material on a CD or USB memory stick is sent to the referrer by post. For pediatric dentistry, correspondence with the referrer is done via Libretto.

We accept referrals for X-ray examinations by mail or fax.

3D image from examination with high resolution computer tomography, ProMax 3D. CD with viewer or USB stick is attached to the referral for such examination.


The specialist clinic for orthodontics is responsible for the orthodontic treatment of children and adults who come with or without a referral, as well as consulting activities for four of the county's public dental clinics. The clinic also conducts bite development checks and orthodontic/orthodontic treatment on children born with craniofacial anomalies in collaboration with the Stockholm Craniofacial Team.

Send the referral to

Kliniken för tandreglering
Universitetstandvården, Karolinska Institutet
Box 4064
141 04 Huddinge

We also accept referrals via Libretto.


We treat children and adolescents with oral diseases that require specialist care. We also accept children with general diseases and other disabilities where the systemic disease increases the risk of caries, tooth development disorder or periodontal disease. We also refer children with accidental dental injuries and dental fear.

We call all patients who are referred to us within 2-6 weeks after receiving the referral.

Referral to the Pediatric and Adolescent Dentistry Clinic

All healthcare providers are welcome to refer children and adolescents to our clinic.

Send the referral to

Kliniken för barn- och ungdomstandvård
Universitetstandvården, Karolinska Institutet
Box 4064
141 04 Huddinge

We also take referrals via Libretto: Karolinska Institutet, Spec.klinik Barn och Ungdom 4490.

Good advice on children's teeth

"Good advice on children's teeth" is an information material designed to promote children's dental health. The information consists of simple messages and pictures about diet and toothbrushing aimed primarily at parents with pre-school children.  The material can be handed out as parental information by healthcare providers and other actors who see children.  Good advice on children's teeth is available in A4 format in the following 21 languages: Albanian, Arabic, BKS, Dari, English, Kurmanji, Mandarin, Persian, Polish, Romani, Romanian, Russian, Somali, Sorani, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Thai, Tigrinya, Turkish and Ukrainian.


Good advice on children's teeth in 21 languages

Goda råd om barns tänder på 21 olika språk

Contact us for advice

Another important part of the specialist dentists' work at the department is consultancy. As a dentist, dental hygienist or other healthcare provider, you will receive advice and suggestions for the treatment of individual patients.
