If you are not satisfied with Universitetstandvården (University Dental Clinic)

Our aim is to provide you with good quality care and treatment and to treat you with care and respect. If you are not satisfied, you can make your complaint directly to the person who examined or treated you. For example, you may feel dissatisfied with the work carried out, be treated incorrectly or feel that you have been overcharged.

If you do not want to contact the person who treated you or if you cannot reach an agreement, you can contact the head of the clinic. Below is a list of who is responsible for each clinic. Use the ‘Anmäla ett problem i vården’ form - you can find it at the bottom of the page.

If for some reason you don't use the form, please summarise your comments so that they fit on one A4 page. Be sure to write clearly and in text. If we have any questions about the content, we will contact you.

In the first instance, contact your dentist if there is something that does not feel right after your last visit. If you feel that you have been treated badly by the staff at Universitetstandvården or need help to get the care you want, you should first contact the manager of the clinic in question.

Contact persons for the clinics
ClinicHead of Clinic
Kliniken för barn- och ungdomstandvårdLydia Goitom
Kliniken för oral rehabiliteringMariel Unger Karlström
Kliniken för prevention och oral sjukdomsbehandlingDaniela Vidojevic
LärarklinikenJoannis Grigoriadis
SpecialistklinikenJoannis Grigoriadis
Kliniken för tandregleringSinan Dehrab
Kliniken för odontologisk radiologiJoannis Grigoriadis
Board of Trustees exists for more difficult casesChairman: Patricia De Palma

Contact Universitetstandvårdens Patient Board

You can also contact the Patient Committee, whose mission is to clarify and resolve conflicts in health care. Fill in the form 'Report a problem in health care' at the bottom of the page.  Send it to:

Karolinska Institutet, Universitetstandvården, Patientnämnden, Box 4064, 141 04 Huddinge, or klagomal-tandvard@ki.se

Please note that we cannot process cases that are older than 2 years and that the Patient Board's decision cannot be appealed.

If you think you are entitled to compensation

If you believe you are entitled to compensation for damage incurred in connection with examination, care or treatment, you can apply for compensation from one of the patient insurance policies. The insurance company for universitetstandvården at Karolinska Institutet is Trygg-Hansa. The form for treatment injury can be found further down the page.

If you believe that we have committed errors in our professional practice

If you believe that one of our employees has committed professional misconduct, you can report it to Inspektionen för vård och omsorg (IVO) (the Swedish Health and Social Care Inspectorate).

Laws and regulations

Vårdguiden (The health care guide) explains the rules and rights that apply to dental care.

Forms, in swedish
