Before your visit

Here you will find information you may need before your visit to the Universitetstandvården (University Dental Clinic).

Bring your identity card

How to pay

We have produced price lists with information about the cost of our various examinations and treatments. You can only pay by credit card (but not American Express). In exceptional cases, we can send an invoice.

At the reception, we are happy to answer your questions regarding your dental fee. However, if you have questions about the dental care itself, you should contact your treating dentist or student.

The prices


By avoiding perfume and strong scents when you visit us, you help us protect people with allergies or hypersensitivities.


If you are visiting a dental hygienist or dental student, you must be able to make yourself understood in Swedish or English. However, if you are visiting one of our licensed dentists, you can bring an authorized interpreter with you.


If you are taking medication, it is important that you bring an up-to-date list of medication with you.

In case of absence, remember to change or cancel your appointment:

If you cannot attend an appointment, it is important that you call the clinic as soon as possible, at least 24 hours before the appointment. Then you will not have to pay for a no-show or late cancellation, which costs SEK 400 for children, adolescents and adults.
