In vivo imaging at BIC

The core facility offers preclinical in vivo imaging in IVIS-SpectrumCT laboratory.



Room number K7133 (BSL2, KMB Animal Facility)


  • Preclinical in vivo imaging system
  • 2D and 3D imaging capabilities but includes integrated low-dose microCT
  • Fluorescent imaging with 488-594nm emission dyes
  • Fluorescence imaging with near-infrared dyes (e.g. Alexa 750, Bacterisense 647, etc)
  • Bioluminescence imaging with luciferin/luciferase

Prior to access to the IVIS-SpectrumCT Laboratory

To use the IVIS-SpectrumCT, you must have access to the 7th floor of the KMB building and authorization for the BSL-2 lab. This can be arranged by the KMB administrator.

Training sessions can be scheduled by requesting training in iLab or emailing us at