High Content Automated Systems at BIC

BIC facility is equipped with a diverse collection of automated, high content imaging systems for imaging tissue sections on slides, multiwell plates (6-384 wells), and multi-day live imaging experiments.

Sartorius IncuCyte S3.
Sartorius IncuCyte S3.

Sartorius IncuCyte S3

The IncuCyte S3 system is a dedicated imaging system inside a cell culture incubator with perfect temperature (37° C), 5% CO2, and humidity control. The system allows long-term transmitted light and GFP/RFP fluorescence imaging of adherent, non-adherent cells, and spheroids/organoids in diverse multi-well plate formats, ranging from 6 to 384 wells, and ultra-low attachment (ULA) U- and V-bottom plates. The system can be used by up to three different users with a maximum of 6 plates simultaneously.


  • Stage inserts for: slides/multiwell plates (incl. 96 and 384well)
  • Light Source: LEDs
  • Fluorescent channels: GFP, RFP
  • Transmitted channels: brightfield
  • Objectives: 5x, 10x, 20x (all air/dry)
  • Acquisition & Analysis Software: IncuCyte-2019BRev2
  • Special Features:
    • located inside the cell culture incubator
    • 3 trays, 6 multiwell plate positions
    • multi-day imaging sessions for up to 3 users simultaneously
Zeiss AxioScan.Z1 slide scanner.
Zeiss AxioScan.Z1 slide scanner.

Zeiss Axio Scan.Z1 Slide Scanner

The AxioScan.Z1 is an automated slide scanner which can process up to 100 slides in a single imaging session. This instrument is capable of fluorescence imaging as well as brightfield imaging with colorimetric detection (e.g. HE/DAB) using air objectives. The system can automatically detect the location of samples on slides, create focus maps, followed by scanning the images.


  • Stage inserts for: slides 76mm x 24-26mm
  • Light Source: VIS-LED for brightfield. Colibri 7 LED for fluorescence (385, 430, 475, 567, 630 & 735nm)
  • Fluorescent channels: DAPI, CFP, FITC, YFP, TRITC, mCherry, Cy5, Cy7
  • Transmitted channels: brightfield
  • Objectives: 5x, 10x, 20x, 40x (all air/dry)
  • Camera fluo: Hamamatsu Orca Flash 4.0 V3 (16-bit, 2048x2048, 6.5 mm pixel size)
  • Camera color: Hitachi HV-F203 (14.bit, 1600x1200)
  • Acquisition Software: Zen Blue v3.1
  • Special Features:
    • Up to 100 slides in one experiment
    • Fluorescence and colorimetric imaging