BIC - user guidelines
Both new and regular users of the BIC facility can find useful information on this page. Learn about how you get access to the building, booking system and instruments and much more.
New User
If you are interested in using the BIC facility services for your research, please send an email to After receiving your request, we will contact you to schedule a session for an introduction.
Alternatively, if you already have access to the iLab booking system, you can go to the “Request Service” tab and initiate request on the microscope introductory training.
A functioning KI access card is necessary for entry into the BIC areas located in Biomedicum building. If you don’t have a KI card or access to Biomedicum, please let us know. We will then arrange your access.
Training Information
When you need training on a new instrument, please contact us by sending an email to or directly via the booking system (iLab).
Try to be as specific as possible by adding information about:
- Type of samples (e.g., fixed or live, cells or tissue)
- Sample carrier (e.g., slides, dishes, plates)
- Choice of fluorophores
- Short description of what you plan to image
A training session includes:
- Access to the BIC areas
- Three-hour session on the specific microscope instrument
In general, we can schedule your training/introduction within three weeks after receiving your request. Occasionally this time estimation may be effected by factors like the availability of the instrument and/or staff and whether your samples are ready.
When you complete training for an instrument, you will get access to make reservations in iLab for that particular instrument.
Please, let us know if you need to cancel your training session.
Booking System
BIC uses iLab as an administrative tool for scheduling microscope sessions, reserving slots, requesting consultations and creating invoices. If you have questions on iLab usage, please consult the KI iLab webpage. Contact us at if you need further information on any matter regarding your access as a user within our facility.
BIC Rules & Information
- Only trained users are allowed to operate the microscope systems and use workstations at BIC. Training can only be performed by BIC staff.
- Entrance to the BIC areas requires an active KI card and is granted by the Biomedicum reception, after approval by BIC staff.
- The microscope systems and workstations at BIC can only be booked via iLab. The microscope software is locked and needs to be unlocked before starting your session via the iLab Kiosk.
- Cancellations rules:
- Cancellations >4h before the booked time are free of charge.
- Cancellation <4h before is charged with 60 min usage.
- Sessions not logged in via the iLab Kiosk are treated as 'No Show’.
- An actual 'No Show' session will be charged according to the booked time
- 'No Show' caused by late arrival (>30 min) is charged from the start of the booking time
- The fee for a 'No Show' session on image analysis workstations is 260 SEK.
- There is a booking limit for our automated microscope systems:
- Users can book up to a maximum of 12hrs/week for core hours (8:00-20:00).
- ‘Last minute’ booking (booking on the same day as usage) is without time restriction above.
- Long-term sessions on the confocal microscope systems can be arranged with approval from the BIC staff and should be planned mostly outside the core hours.
- Image data can be stored on the microscope computers and the workstations for up to 1 month. Image data older than that may be removed from the HDs without notification by the BIC staff.
- Usage of the microscope outside of the booked sessions (for example for data transfer) is allowed but is performed at the user's own risk and can be interrupted if the system get booked.
- In case of microscopy incidents, users must contact BIC staff by email ( or report in the Kiosk interface of iLab.
For general incidents, follow the KI instructions on the pages If something happens | Staff Portal ( and Reporting incidents | Staff Portal ( - Users should not wear gloves when running the microscopes.
(Reviewed 2024-12-09)
Access to BIC Services
Entering Biomedicum and the BIC areas require a functional KI access card that needs to be activated at the Biomedicum front desk. Furthermore, before you can start to work in Biomedicum, you also need to pass a lab safety test.
The instruments and workstations are located on floor 2 and floor 6.