BIC - our offer
The Biomedicum Imaging Core Facility (BIC) offers a wide range of advanced light microscopy technology and imaging tools and welcomes users from both academia and industry.
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopes (CLSM)
Confocal Spinning Disk Microscopes (SDM)
Widefield Fluorescence Microscopes
In Vivo Imaging
Specialised Systems
BIC welcomes users from both academia and industry.
Academic user fees
- Introductory course to a microscope: 2 600 SEK/session (includes registration and login to the iLab booking system)
- Cross-over training: Learn more about a new microscope within the same category: 650 SEK/session
- Refresher training: If you are trained on a BIC instrument however have not used it for long time: 650 SEK/session
- Consultations: 260 SEK/session
- Confocal microscope usage:
- Zeiss, Leica and Nikon confocal microscopes: up to six hours 260 SEK/hour, after six hours 65 SEK/hour
- Olympus FV1000 confocal microscope: up to six hours 130 SEK/hour, after six hours 33 SEK/hour
- Widefield microscope usage:
- Leica, Zeiss, Olympus widefield microscopes: up to six hours 130 SEK/hour, after six hours 33 SEK/hour
- ThermoFisher EVOS M7000 widefield microscope: no hourly fee for BIC users
- Specialised microscopy systems usage:
- La Vision light sheet microscope: up to six hours 260 SEK/hour, after six hours 65 SEK/hour
- Other specialized systems: on agreement, ask the staff
- High throughout microscopy systems usage:
- Zeiss, Sartorius high throughout microscopy systems: up to six hours 260 SEK/hour, after six hours 65 SEK/hour
- Analysis workstations usage: no hourly fee for BIC users
Industrial user fees
The services at the BIC facility are also available for industrial users. The rates are 200% of the above-mentioned fees.
NB! All fees for academic and industrial users include the INDI (Indirect administrative costs)
Additional services
We provide free consultations to the BIC users, as well as courses and workshops. For further information, please email
Researchers are welcome to reach out to us for consultation on:
- Microscopy
- Experimental design
- Post-acquisition image analysis
- Image quantification
- Assisted microscopy sessions
BIC ImageClinics
BIC ImageClinics are regular drop-in sessions for both current BIC users and those thinking about using our services. At these sessions, you can discuss with our BIC staff various aspects of microscopy, experimental design, image analysis, presentations, and more. Welcome to drop by with your questions!
- Date: Every other Wednesday, see announcements on upcoming events and activities at BIC
- Time: 09:00-12:00
- Venue: Room C0412, Biomedicum, floor 4
Choosing a microscope and where to find it
If you are interested in more details, we have compiled detailed information about our instruments. The information could be useful when choosing between different microscopes.
You are always welcome to contact us if you need further information or guidance among the microscopes.