Confocal Spinning Disk Microscopes (SDM)

BIC facility is equipped with Confocal Spinning Disk Microscopes offering various configurations and capabilities to cover a wide range of imaging needs and research applications.

The Nikon CrEST X-Light V3
Nikon CrEST X Light V3 Spinning Disk. Photo: Anna Kouznetsova

Nikon CrEST X-Light V3 Spinning Disk

OBS! The Silicon objective (25x)  is damaged and will be send to repair.

The Nikon CrEST X-Light V3 spinning disk confocal enables fast imaging with confocal resolution, supporting live and fixed tissue samples. The system can detect a wide range of fluorochromes, featuring LED illumination from ultra-violet 340nm to 635nm and laser options from 405nm to near-infrared 748nm (for detection of AF750 or Cy7).


  • Stage inserts for: slides/multiwell plates/35mm dishes
  • Lasers: 405, 446, 477, 518, 545, 637, 748 nm
  • LEDs: 340nm, 380nm, and 420-750nm
  • Fluorescent channels: from blue (DAPI) to near infra-red (Cy7)
  • Objectives: 4x Air, 10x Air, 20x Air, 20x LWD Air, 25x Silicone and 60x Oil
  • Acquisition Software: NIS Elements
  • Special Features:
    • JOBS module for automatization of complex acquisition pipelines
    • Possibility of tiling and automatic imaging at several positions (including focus maps and stitching)
    • Black climate chamber with temperature, humidity and CO2 controls for live cell imaging
    • 20x extra-long working distance objective (WD=2.3 mm)
    • fast widefield imaging (including Fura2 Ca+), confocal imaging and/or volumetric (XYZ) imaging
    • Artificial Intelligence module for noise removal